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Question by Enigma®Ragnarökin’: For our pagan friends here: What brought you to your current beliefs? Family history, your own feelings?
I realize that there are many “pagan” religions, but I’d burn my brain out trying to remember them all. What was it that convinced you that this religion or belief system is right for you? Would you please be so kind as to share your experience?

Best answer:

Answer by baronvonstrudel
Drawn to it, mainly. I looked at the general ethics, the ideals… and they fit mine pretty damn well, so I went for it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to For our pagan friends here: What brought you to your current beliefs? Family history, your own feelings?

  • Mariah says:

    I’ve always always always had my beliefs, before I even knew what religion was, much less paganis. My mother is Wiccan, but my father is Christian, as is the rest of my family.

    Despite the majoirty of my family being Christians, and everyone ebing Christian where I live, I’ve always been pagan, since I was little, even without my mother to influence me.

  • witchiebunny says:

    My own feelings, actually.

    I’d long known that there was something odd about me-I was interested in “demonized” stuff-I’d gaze into my grandmother’s crystals to see if I saw anything, and I’d hear and see things that I assumed were devils.

    But when I was 15 (bible in hand, ready to witness to the first person I saw!) I encountered a girl in my homeroom who was reading a book written by a pagan and geared towards Teens which shall remain unnamed.

    I read through the book and it was as a feeling of comming home-I knew that I was pagan, and this was where I belonged. Everything that hadn’t made sense suddenly did, and that’s where everything changed for me.

    I’ve tried going back to being a Christian several times-once immediately after reading this book, once in my late teens in college, once after getting with my then boyfriend, now fiance. Every time, I’ve been drawn back to the Craft-it’s just where I belong.

    I recognize the validity and beauty of Christianity, but it’s just not my path.

  • Hestia's_Priestess says:

    Part of it is the cultural background that I was raised in. I would probably not have had as much background in the Greek Gods that I do. I felt a “call” from my Gods from an early age……

    Although, I probably would have found them eventually, like I found out about the Norse Gods…..

  • robin_ofthe_woods says:

    Study – with the understanding that Myths are Myths, not Absolute Truth… stories with morals written within them. As for my personal beliefs about Gods, it’s due to experiences I’ve had (and no, I was not on drugs nor alcohol lol) I feel I’m fairly rational yet I have yet to find a solid reason for the experiences themselves – of which I can’t explain fully anyway and would probably only make me look nuts to those that lack beliefs all together *wink*. It is right for me because it allows me the freedom to seek out other avenues for reasons of the things that do happen. An example would be, I believe Evolution happened and happens… this in no way bothers my beliefs as my beliefs about the “beginning” don’t include a strict adherence to a Myth about Creation. If I find something conflicts with a personal belief, I study it… if I find out I’m wrong, I admit it and correct it and move on. With this, I am more at peace with myself and the world around me (even when Extremists within Religion annoy the hell out of me).

  • sherl pagan vt says:

    even when i was growing up i believed in reincarnation…my family were all baptists. i was kind of the odd one. (still am)

    i tried to do the baptist thing for my mom, but it never felt right. i love to read, and some of the things that i was reading seemed to fit. so i started to search.

    now i’m an eclectic pagan with celtic tendencies. i am much happier.

    bright blessings to you.

  • Bikerbabe says:

    I was raised wiccan at home by my mother. But to the outside world i was catholic because of where i lived, it was just easier and my father was catholic. My parents gave me the choice to follow what ever belief i felt was right for me and i chose wicca. It made more sence to me, it just felt right. Its who i am. I felt alot more at peace with myself and others when i accepted it.

    It didn’t help that when i was in school they forced me to lie when i went to my first confession, because i couldn’t think of anything to confess. It kinda put me of the church and school lol

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