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Four Myths About Holistic Medicine Debunked!

While ignorance may be bliss in some arenas, ignorance about holistic medicine could mean you are missing out on the significant health benefits that it offers.

I have to admit being one of those who’ve harbored misconceptions about the practice of holistic or alternative medicine and therapies. Luckily for me, I happened to come across a DVD-based education program offered by The Center for Healing Arts, which offers a unique way to learn more about this mysterious practice in the comfort and privacy of your own home. These DVDs helped me not only to explore for myself the truth behind many of the most common misconceptions but also opened my eyes to the wisdom of holistic health philosophies that have been in existence for centuries.

To all of you who still believe that holistic therapies are a crazy fad practiced only by desperate people and weird people; this article looks at the truth behind some of the myths surrounding holistic care. For those of you who want the ‘Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth’ beyond the 4 myths examined in this article, learn from the carefully selected expert healing arts practitioners offered on The Center for Healing Arts film sessions by simply becoming a member of their DVD series. Over time you’ll have the information and guidance to go in-depth, find your own way and find what’s right for you.

Myth #1- People who use holistic therapies are either ignorant or desperate

Nothing could not be further from the truth! A 2005 study by the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences estimated that 15 million adults take herbal remedies and/or vitamins in conjunction with their prescriptions.

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