Question by YourGirl08: free psychic readings,tarot readings etc…?
what are some good sites for these type of things.
Best answer:
Answer by slow_hand_78
remember that you usually ge what you pay for.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
no such thing as a good site for these type of things
Here is the link to a site with many various free online readings:
The only free online tarot reading site I’ve found that actually gives good and accurate readings. Other than that, beware readings from strangers. If you are that interested, I’d suggest learning to do tarot yourself. Stop by your local new age book shop and get some books and a good starter deck. I’ve been doing tarot for a while now and I find it very rewarding.
its best to get a reading in person rather than online- its more personal and accurate that way because the person is close to you and can use your energy to connect it to the reading. you could search for things like that in your area- im not sure if youd get it free tho….psychics and tarot readers need to make a living too
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