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Question by Sassy: free tarot readings?
Anyone out there… I need some help…. I’ve had the worst year…. Not only have I been fired from my job, but now im broke,, I someone to help me clear my path…. anyone out there…. please …

Best answer:

Answer by tina
I was told by a wise person for the new year take a bath with a special bath you mix beer and cahmpagne flowers they have to be roses only the peddals your favorite perfume and boild cinammon sticks put some of that water in that too than you take bath just poor it on your head don’t wash it off do it before the new year Also turn a small white candle on and prey to your guardian angel for guidance and ask to guide you through the right path for the better. Good Luck I know I am trying it. What could happen nothing bad anyway.

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3 Responses to free tarot readings?

  • Pam R says:

    Hello Sassy

    Join my yahoo group – someone may pick up on you x


  • jeri s says:

    Hi Sassy 🙂

    Okay, the cards are saying that you are undergoing these challenges right now partly because you have taken things for granted in the past. This serves to remind you that when we are blessed with gifts we must learn to use them wisely and not only for personal gain.

    Right now, you are learning certain lessons and they are seen here almost as a ‘crown’ almost as if you must wear this time as a crown because it is truly a gift to receive lessons like you are now. There is also an acknowledgement here of rewards to come if you face this time bravely and humble yourself to its lessons.

    You have been straying off course for a while now but it’s time to acknowledge that and set your heart and mind back on the right path (more self reflection, less ego-bound pursuits) and things will fall back into place.

    Be grateful because some never even get a reminder to be grateful and they fall very very hard. Hope this helps. Take care.

  • Mezmera says:

    I asked how you could have a better year and drew the Three of Cups from the Gilded Tarot. This card says to have some fun! Celebrate! Yeah, I know, celebrations can be expensive but you don’t have to spend money to celebrate life. Celebration itself is a ritual and can be very cleansing. This card depicts three women dancing to express their joy. I encourage you to cleanse and clear your path by reconnecting with something that makes you happy and your friends or family may be the place to start. We can’t sit around focusing on the crap or we’ll just attract more of the same. So focus on some happy as a way to manifest some happy.

    I asked the same question a second time because I felt like you needed to know what to do for your more practical life, not just your spiritual, and drew the Ace of Pentacles. There’s this great book out there called, “Do One Thing Different.” The book is about getting rid of habits and ideas that aren’t working for you and trying something new.

    Pentacles are about money, wealth, and health. Aces are about new attitudes and new approaches to our life. I think this card is telling you to keep your mind open about your habits and your ideas about how you should live and where you should work. This card seems to indicate that if you want to make some money, it’s time to do something different, something that you haven’t tried before.

    I asked what kind of job you should look for to help ensure more financial security and I drew The Hermit. Initially this made me think that you needed to find a job where you worked alone instead of in a team, but then I thought that maybe (because The Hermit is a helper) you should be looking around for some kind of job services. Like a workforce center, perhaps. It could be that you need a little help getting oriented in the work force. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    Namaste and good luck in 2008.

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