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and break our laws, establishing another set of laws, and this goes on all the time…”  

J KRISHNAMURTI –“It is only when you have no reason for being peaceful that you will have peace.”

J KRISHNAMURTI –“Psychologically there is nothing in the world that you can put your faith, your trust, or your belief in. Neither your gods, nor your science can save you, can bring you psychological certainty; and you have to accept that you can trust in absolutely nothing. Because, your leaders – religious and political — and your books — sacred and profane — have all failed, and you are still confused, in misery, in conflict.”          

J KRISHNAMURTI –“The confidence of which I speak is understanding — not the “I understand”, but understanding without self-identification… Confidence comes into being, it cannot be manufactured by the mind; confidence comes with experiment and discovery; not the experiment with belief, theory of memory but experimentation with self-knowledge. This confidence or faith is not self-imposed nor is it identified with belief, formulation and hope. It is not the outcome of self-expanding desire.”     

J KRISHNAMURTI –“To expand consciousness there must be a center which is aware of its expansion. The moment there is a center from which you are expanding, it is no longer expansion because the center always limits its own expansion.”   

J KRISHNAMURTI –“We shall know the state of love only when jealousy, envy, possessiveness, domination, comes to an end. And as long as we possess we shall never love.”   


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