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Question by White: From an evolutionary perspective, why do we need art? Is it an extension of the metaphysical dimension?
and hence for the same reason we need god? why do we have a sense of awe when we contemplate nature?

Best answer:

Answer by Deprogramer
Its just an extension of the creative female right brain!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to From an evolutionary perspective, why do we need art? Is it an extension of the metaphysical dimension?

  • Lordpercywooster XXV says:

    I paint naked women therefor god has d sized breasts?

  • Dude says:

    there is no such thing as a metaphysical dimension.

    We don’t really “know” why we enjoy art, I personally think some people just have to express themselves in ways other than speaking so they create what we call art.

  • ellie says:

    In the earlier age of humans, art was used both for communication purposes and for entertainment. Neanderthals used art to illustrate successful hunts. Many Native American tribes used art to mark migration paths. Art has just gotten deeper and more comprehensive as humanity prospered.

  • tehabwa says:

    I don’t know that we NEED art.

    No, there’s no such thing as “the metaphysical dimension.”

    We do NOT need god.

    As for why we have art, it’s unclear and currently controversial whether our common love of art is simply an artifact of our abilities — our ability to abstraction, language abilities, and other aspects of how our brains work — or is something selected for, perhaps as a means of cultural cohesion. That is, it enhances group cohesion, and therefore groups that have art did better, in competition with any groups that didn’t.

  • Doctor Strange says:

    I Ching, the reasoning of being as a single entity which enables us to return through undifferentiated mystical conception of life or reality. Reincarnated on canvas or symbolic forms of art-

  • rusalka says:

    before we became literate and relied on the linear alphabet we lived largely by symbols and art is based on that old world of symbolism and metaphor which is still the reigning language of our dreams too.This visual language is the higher,deeper and older one and precedes the new limited alphabet based literacy which we have only acquired over the last 1000 years or less which is highly left brain dependant.Art tends to operate and rely on the right and this equation between the two is very neccessary.Our brains use to be symmetrical but the left hemisphere is now physically larger than the right.

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