check and whose function is akin to that of creating mythology: “Efforts that modern man exerts in science and technology were in prehistoric times applied in making up myths” [1; 17;]. No technology though is capable of providing him with by far the most comfortable feeling: that of inner stability, harmony and peace – features
characteristic of an integrated personality well in tune with both its conscious and unconscious mind.
Disillusioned by all castes of experts on psyche to find his personal soul, modern man turned away from his inner being to fully concentrate his efforts on getting to know the outside world. This resulted in his transformation into a confused, sick and miserable being with anxieties, fears and panic attacks, uncertain about his belief in that the thinking mind should be of unlimited capacity and superior to all. The realization that “all-powerful human mind” has turned out to be another myth, was a frightening thing to take: a human always faces things beyond his control be it the natural phenomena or his own archetypes. Jung confirms that
“whether primitive or not, mankind always stands on the brink of actions it performs itself but does not control” [1; 113]. Intellect put a human up above nature only to throw him down off the pedestal later, making him realize that he was no longer in control of his own soul, his mood and emotions, or capable of detecting any loopholes which his unconscious could leak through and influence his actions and behavior.
Throughout the course of history man along with social institutions concentrated his efforts on perfecting his conscious mind. The same goal was attained by means of religious dogmas and worldly rituals serving as walls to protect human
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