laughing and cheering”. Here applying centuries long stock of the collective unconscious one might not need to worry about going deep into one’s own “dark waters”, trusting the power of one’s intellect, the stability of one’s collective values and society’s support. And as was mentioned before, the fee for that seems like not too high – its either one’s personality or one’s lost soul. But what is a human without his personal soul? By comparing with a plant rooted out of the soil and its subsequent dying we can see the mankind’s slow death in case the connection with his individual nature is lost. True modern man, especially a big city dweller surely can’t have as much contact with nature as he had before. But this is beside the point since no matter where he lives, he should still be in touch with nature through his psyche. Since the human is a product of nature we feel his psyche should contain similar natural elements and phenomena which support his vital functions whether he is on a top floor of a skyscraper or orbiting the Earth in a space shuttle. His psyche, or his soul is what connects him to nature and only due to this connection not to some god or devil the human can live and function.
The interpretation of symbols is most important in getting to know the unconscious sphere since they express the very contents of the unconscious, the ones we feel but can’t define. Why? The symbol can be interpreted from different angles. Even though man appeared before all religions still a most intelligent person may be so naive as to believe that he was created by God, forgetting though that the only god before him and the one that could really create him was first and foremost nature itself. Therefore his connection with nature could only be
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