presented in the language of nature’s analogs. All the rest including the origin of the world or man was later either created by human intellect or might have been the artifacts of culture.
One may wonder why all these religious ideas as to the creation of man, his purpose and his psyche have been so popular? Probably because real values have either been forgotten or profaned and replaced by artificial ones like soy protein substituted for meat in modern frankfurters. What happens then? This is how Jung elaborates on the problem: “According to anthropologists, in primitive societies with their spiritual values damaged by civilization, people often lost purpose in life, getting disorganized socially and corrupt morally . We are now facing the same situation. But it never occur to us what we really have lost. Our spiritual leaders are more concerned with protecting their social institutions than understanding the mystery of symbols.” [1; 85]. The situation seems to be quite trivial when religious and social institutions, caring so much about their influence on people’s mind, hide from people a most vital information as to who they really are. The fact of the matter is that all these institutions are mostly preoccupied not with the welfare of a concrete individual, but with that of a society as a whole. If a person in his attempt to learn of himself can cause problems for society, any such attempt will be blocked up by ideas coming out of culture, science or religion. And this is exactly what’s been happening. “Overly cultured” modern man slowly but surely withers like a plant rooted out of the soil, regularly watered by artificial bioactive growth stimulants in the form of various ideas and symbols of the collective unconscious, which
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