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from different angles, it would be only logical to give them proper definition. The noun “archetype” comes from two Greek words: arche – origin and typos – form, pattern. During the later period in ancient philosophy the above concept was used to describe the prototype or idea; this was primarily an original model, a newly created pattern.. One of Jung’s works contains the following: “…the term “archetype” occurs as early as Philo Judaeus, with reference to the Imago Dei (God-image) in man.
It can also be found in Irenaeus, who says: «Mundi fabricator non semetipso fecit haec, sed de aliens archetypes transtulit» [(lat.)”The creator of the world did not fashion these things directly from himself but copied them from archetypes outside himself”]. In the Corpus Hermeticum, God is called ?? ????????? ?? ?.. (archetypal light). Although the term “archetype” is not found in St. Augustine, the “idea”

of it is. According to Jung the word “archetype” is an explanatory paraphrase of the Platonic ????? (eidoV). For our purposes this term is helpful, because it tells us that we are dealing with archaic or rather – primordial types, i.e. with universal images, which have existed from time immemorial [1; 98]. The term “archetype” is similarly used by alchemists and Jung himself refers to Vignerus who states that the world is «ad archetypi sui similitudinem factus» [(lat.)”Made after the likeness of its archetype” Tract. De igne et sale // Theatr. Chem., 1661, VI.3].

According to Carl Gustav Jung the original ancient psyche lays foundation for our intellect in the same way as our body structure goes back to general anatomy of mammals. But talking about this foundation he meant unconscious ideas

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