psychophysiology on the subconscious level. In our opinion the main factor in structuring human’s subconscious psyche and determining his identity (behavioural pattern or cognitive strategies) are not the values inherited from our forefathers and therefore not the ones capable of serving as key elements in forming his personality. After all general ideas and images by definition can’t create individuality – that would be contrary to logic. Jung talks about the existence of some racially-preformed collective persona, which selectively penetrates into man’s world, can be modified and further developed. Somewhat supporting Jung’s point of view on this issue, we still must clarify the matter in that the extent of penetration of this so called “collective persona”, which is based on archetypes of the collective unconscious, in our opinion can be controlled and held in check depending on each individual’s archetypical pattern. Since if we were to suppose that the hereditary unconscious ideas and images happen to be common to everyone, then all people would demonstrate exact same “standardized” reactions to those images. But is this what we see in reality? True, more research is needed here, although from what we have observed, it is quite obvious that people react differently either to the image of Jungian Mother or to that of the Trinity.We feel that despite the importance of racial (collective) archetypes and their undoubted influence, the degree of this influence on each person would not be the same. It depends on his personality, which is determined by a number of his individual archetypical images, and just like with a black box, information going through an individual on the input will be different on the output. Otherwise man and his spiritual
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