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From Jerusalem To Eilat A Journey In Time

Driving from Jerusalem to Eilat you can 1000’s of years in history in just 500km.

Quatzer el Yahud

The place where the children of Israel crossed the Jordan River to enter The Promised Land is the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus. Pilgrims from many lands celebrate the event every year in a colourful procession, leaving from the nearby monasteries.


Overlooking the Dead sea, the reined village of Oumran was deserted for almost 2000 years. The hidden Scroll found in the caves in 1947 exposed the secret life of the isiyim, a small ultra religious sect, who hid there from the roman enemy. In the harsh Judean desert during the long nights they copied the bible onto scrolls. When the Roman came, they hid the scrolls in the caves and some the sect joined the rebels at Massada. The sect regulations of the Isiyim are one of the most intriguing items of the scrolls to be seen in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Mamshit ( Kurnub)

A Nabatean city sat on the route from the Idumean Mountains to Jerusalem. The city is the smallest but best restored city in the Negev Desert. The once luxurious houses have unusual architecture not found in any other Nabatean city. Entire streets have survived intact, two beautiful churches with a colorful mosaic floor and marble pillars were discovered in Mamshit. An interesting tour to the nearby stream and its dams put light on the greatest ability of the Nabateans how to collect the precious water and use it.

Bet Lehem

The birthplace of David, king of Israel and Jesus Christ. Here came Joseph and Mary for the census and here in a small cave she gave birth to the baby Jesus and laid

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