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Full Moon and Mars in Leo in Opposition to Venus and the Quest for Fulfillment in Relationships

I believe our relationships and the experience of love and connection are the most relevant in our lives right beside food and shelter. Babies will die if they are not touched and loved, no matter how much food you offer them. In the history of humankind we have lived most of the time in tribal or extended family situations. The single life style we know nowadays seems to be so normal to us but is not fulfilling for our soul and deeper layers of our human nature.

A whole industry around love and romance has evolved to nourish that part in us but often leaves us empty and with an unrealistic expectation that if we only find the ONE we will be happy and fulfilled. All our longing for connection and love is projected onto that ideal of the perfect lover. And we all know how well that works out most of the time.

Maybe we need more then the ONE. Maybe we need a network of close friends, family, room mates and other tribal like connections for a healthy spirit. The question is how well do you take care for yourself and make an effort for that connectedness and feeling of oneness? I would love to hear your thoughts about this.

The Inner Man and Inner Woman in Astrology

And we do carry an inner image of an inner man and inner woman inside of us with very specific needs and desires. You can determine through the position of Moon and Venus for the feminine, and Sun and Mars for the masculine and their position in your horoscope what it is your soul needs. Our first relation with father and mother is represented by Sun and Moon and obviously is the most important and revealing patterning and conditioning we will ever have. In a way all later relationships will be somehow in reaction to

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