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This is a simple video with little bits of information on the moon rituals in Wicca. Like whats spells to do at certain esbats times ect. Each moon has a different name are a good times to do different things: January – Wolf Moon February – Storm Moon March – Chaste Moon April – Seed Moon May – Hare Moon June – Dyad Moon July – Mead Moon August – Corn Moon September – Harvest Moon October – Hunters/Blood Moon November – Snow Moon December – Winter/Oak Moon See also: x
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Full Moon in Wicca

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @TheZephyrLynx Thank you!!

  • TheZephyrLynx says:

    thanks for all the vids, I <3 you!!! (^~,)

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @Andrea1431988 I’d love to help in any way I can πŸ™‚

  • Andrea1431988 says:

    i’m a muslim, i love the moon and the mystical stuffs abt it.. im into wicca too! i hope u can guide me along =)

  • pupsenok says:


    Well, consider the colours of the rainbow. You will set boundaries between the colours at red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. You have seven colours, whereas in a different language, there may be eight colours. Moreover, the boundaries will be at completely different places…and one of those colour boundaries could be right in the middle of what you consider green. Colours represent a continuum without any real boundaries other than the ones we impose.

  • Kyrzak12 says:

    @pupsenok you mean theres poeple that consider orange like red or something ?

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @PukeZombies Thank you so much! πŸ™‚

  • PukeZombies says:

    My gosh yu are so gorgeous! Your blue eyes for water,your hair for fire,your voice as wind and yur body for water (since yur made up of water) HOW WICKED IS THAT?! πŸ˜€ Just felt like putting it out there…Anywho back to the video,i thank you for yur videos they have helped me very much (i’m a beginner) I’ma suscribe and like >:D

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @pupsenok I have heard of that in Philosophy.

  • pupsenok says:


    Indo-European had three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Proto-Semitic had but two: masculine and feminine, so when it came time to use a pronoun for the “One True God”, it was either He or She. Uralic languages, like Finnish and Hungarian, have no gender whatsoever. The same pronoun means either he or she. The word for God has no inherent grammatical gender. Not even the word for obviously female entities, like cow or vagina, has gender.

  • pupsenok says:


    The fact that language affects our understanding of the world is called the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. (I was completing my Ph.D. in linguistics before I went into law.) It not only affects our understanding of the supernatural, but of such mundane things as colours and numbers. Speakers of different languages set the boundaries between red and yellow at different wavelengths…some having them separated by a third colour called orange.

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @pupsenok It is very interesting to see how language can affect our interpretation; I had considered that before πŸ™‚

  • KikyoChanXD says:

    …That creeper? in the background destracted me…

    Kidding. XD


  • pupsenok says:

    In Slavic languages it is again different and solnce (sun) is neuter, mesjac (moon, although Russian now uses the borrowed luna) is masculine and zemlja (earth) is feminine.

    I am a French language speaker, so my view has very much been effected by my native language. As it is grammatically necessary to refer to “la lune” as “elle”, I always thought of her as female without considering any of her qualities. Had I been German, I am sure that my thinking would be entirely opposite.

  • pupsenok says:

    The interplay of gender and the heavenly bodies is played out in the Indo-European languages. In Latin, sol (sun) and mundus (earth) are masculine and take masculine concords. In contrast, luna (moon) is feminine. The same applies to modern Romance languages, like French. In Germanic languages, Sonne (sun) and Erde (earth) are feminine and Mond (moon) is masculine.

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @stardustlia I know… I am ashamed πŸ˜›

  • stardustlia says:

    twilight poster…..

  • JezusSlave says:

    β€œ…you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire [an ancient occult practice], or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination [detestable] to the LORD…”
    -Deuteronomy 18:9-12a

  • mrfrench00 says:

    wow you have the most beautiful eyes πŸ˜‰ cool vids

  • taproot007 says:

    @Pagyptsian Wow it took a long time to reply sorry πŸ™‚ and I did at one point, Asatru but I’m unsure about my beliefs at the moment and its frusturating.

  • ravenp2781 says:

    well we are cold and dark at times lol πŸ™‚

  • YCCars says:

    @Eric90621 I’m glad I’m not the only to feel that way! I love that feeling and enjoy it at every chance I get. Sometimes during full moons I spend the night outdoors just to feel that she is with me.

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @JoePerezFilmDirector That is really great to hear!! Blessings on your path!

  • JoePerezFilmDirector says:

    Merry Meet! I have recently been re-dedicating myself to the practice of the Craft, which I began in 1993. As part of this renewal it’s been wonderful to find some wonderful community available through the web. What a joy to find your video posts. You & the other’s I’ve found here have inspired me a lot. Your insights are very informative & make me excited to engage in my personal practice again. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You’re very magickally enchanting.

  • Pagyptsian says:

    @Eric90621 Very well said, that was beautiful πŸ™‚

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