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Question by yurya2: Fundamentalist of any religion believe they have the one truth. How can there be just one truth?
History and any solid research tells us that the oldest living religion is Hinduism with the vadic scriptures in sanscrit going back 4000 years. There were many pagan religions that predate the Jewish religion and Christanity and Islam are relative new comers. If we have a loving and merciful God how can we only have one path and what about all the people who never belived in the God of the Jews or in Jesus. It seems to me that if you believe in only one truth it allows you to diminish people of other faiths. This in turns allows us to have wars such as the Shia and Sunni or the many Christian wars in European History. Fundamentalism seems to be a harmful force in the world. I would like to hear thoughtful responses to this question.

Best answer:

Answer by answerguru
By the definition of it.
There is a lot of books written about it, and to speak about it here would take too long.
let’s put it this way, two truths; there is a God there is no God. If this is true than what.

Give your answer to this question below!

16 Responses to Fundamentalist of any religion believe they have the one truth. How can there be just one truth?

  • jmminnc says:

    For them yes they can be only one. That is what they want.

    Get over it.

  • lit-the-light says:

    1 + 1 = 2. This is the only truth that we know. But if you say that 1 + 1 = 5, or other says 6, or 89, or 1000, then, the world is a mess.

    There must be only one TRUTH: John 14:6

    Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…”

  • Jack says:

    there is no true religion

  • wbusykat4 says:

    Well said! To say there is only ONE WAY that is right, is folly. What fundamentalists are really saying is.. “we are the majority, so we must be right.” At least, that is what I hear! Peace and Blessings.

  • politicallyincorrect says:

    Look at it from another perspective and its easy to see how there can be one truth. How many Eiffel towers are there? One! People can claim they have the Eiffel tower in Germany, or England, or Burma, or Brazil but the truth is there is only one and it is in Paris. No matter what anyone claims, there is only one truth about the location of the Eiffel tower.

    Assuming there is one true God, who has provided access to himself in a specific way, then all claims otherwise are untrue.

    There is only one of you and one of me, so why is it so difficult to beleive there is only one God?

  • Matt says:

    Two religions that teach contrary things can not both be true. One can be true or both can be false.That is just simple logic. To bad logic is not taught much in most schools any longer. You can believe getting your head chopped off with an ax won’t kill you but that doesn’t make it true. Belief doesn’t have the power to create reality. Too bad people don’t understand this and buy into the idea that is does. People like Oprah would be one of these people. By the way Jesus said he is the only way. So either he is wrong or he is right. He’s was not both.

    John 14:6
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  • lydia says:

    Their is only one truth!!! This is Satan world and he does all in his power to confused and deceive everyone he can. History can show you many things as long as money can be made or history bends the truth to fit what is being said do you agree? So you really should such you heart and soul and find that truth because the Bible clearly states what is truth and what not. Good Luck

  • Free Thinker says:

    How many ways can you spell the word “the”? In the english language there is only 1 way. Why? To define right from wrong. Same with God. There is not many ways to God, neither are there many gods. Only 1. We can look back and see all the things that happened in any group of people and try to second guess, but that is not going to help us. We must look forward, look to our eternal future and that starts today. There is only 1 way to heaven thru Jesus because He is the only right language to God’s ears.

  • bandycat5 says:

    Agree totally – The Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism & Islam) have always been at odds with each other. Even though they share the same God, the God of Abraham. Figure that out. We are brothers, yet we dish out hatred toward each other. Maybe it’s because the God of Abraham was into war and killing, drowning, etc. He wanted sacrifices constantly. Christians who say God is loving and merciful apparently have not read the OT which is based on Jewish teaching and forms the basis for Islam as well. The God of Abraham was a warrior God.

    Other religions such as Hindu, Buddhism, etc, seem not to share this warrior God and they try to live in harmony moreso than the Abrahamic religions.

    Most people adopt the religion of their birth parents or birth place. Every religion seems “right” because the person has been indictrinated since childhood. But can there be a “right” religion? There can only be one God, the one who made the earth, so regardless of religious trappings, we are all children of the same God.

    You realize the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc. were written by MEN, don’t you? So is every religion on earth, past and present. Men can say anything, but the wise person is able to look at that with an open mind. If I said not only would I save your soul, but your soul would be able to travel to different “worlds” to experience pleasure in new, unimagined ways. Is that more enticing than sitting on a cloud in Christianity’s heaven. Same with Christianity itself, it was better than Judaism, and then Islam came along and offered men those voluptuous virgins. They switched in a minute. Just because someone says or writes something that promises you things after you die, do you believe it?

    Do yourself a favor – read eveything in the Bible describing heaven. How it is above the “dome” covering the earth with the sun, moon and stars affixed to the underside. God sits on a throne above this “dome”. The stars fall from the sky and can be held in the hand or stomped on. Is this reality? Can you not see this is a fable? The Bible says God rides on cherubs and flies through the air. Have you ever seen him? Why do you believe the Bible is true?

  • arily666 says:

    there is it just isn’t perceived correctly by superstitious thinking find something tangible to seek in truth

  • michael m says:

    All of the pagan s worshipped many gods. The Creator revealed Himself to everyone through Abraham, Isaac, and then Jacob. The offspring of this lineage became the nation of Israeal. This nation brought monotheism into the world. If you notice, the followers of Jesus Christ never started any wars. Sure, there were many wars fought in His name, but the Great Comission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not to kill people. The early catholic church was infiltrated by paganism and its customs, so the true meaning of the Bible was kept hidden from the common people. The priests were only to teach what the bishops told them to preach or be excommunicated. That was a weapon that the catholic church used to rule the world.
    There are absolutes in everything. 2+2=4, the capitol of Wisconsin is Madison, your name and where you live is an absolute truth, where you work is also. This principle is given to us by the Creator. If there wasn’t an absolute, just think of the chaos there would be.

  • Phoenix Quill says:

    Well I do sympathize with your desire for peace.


    A) The definition of Truth is an accurate understanding of reality. So for any given concept there is only one truth.
    If my girlfriend says I’m cheating on her, and I say I’m not. There is only one truth.

    B) It’s a bit silly to blame the nature of man on religion. Satan is not required to make humans behave badly, neither is Fundamentalism. The Soviet Unions commitment to Atheism was predictably irrelevant regards their commitment to violence.

  • teddy bear jr says:

    The big picture: God created us. One of his angels went south. We have suffered as a result as a world. God then busted a move and sent His Special creation(only begotten) Son to redeem us of our sins so we could repent(turn around) and be good, thanks in most part towards heaven. One more thing. Satan has challenged God. Satan claims God created peoples can never ever get along. Satan has ruled this earth every since he deceived the first humans on this planet. Soon Jesus will bust a move with his posse and return to earth and wage the mother of all destruction earthwide on all evil.Satan will be tossed away. Like yesterdays garbage. God loves you.
    Soon this planet will be perfect as will it’s inhabitants. Just as God created it to be.

  • Just_One_Man's_Opinion says:

    The Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the sun and this question proves it. Not one syllable of your litany of questions is original or particularly thoughtful. Sigh. I suspect that you cannot POSSIBLY care about the answers to these questions or you would already know the answers, because … as I say, they aren’t original. They have all been answered many, many, MANY times before!

    1. There is NO WAY to know that some of the things you say are true. The Bible tells of human creation beginning with Adam and Eve. CLEARLY that suggests that not one second of human history was ever lived without an awareness of God. But … what if the Jews began chronicalling their God almost immediately, but didn’t release the writings as quickly as the Hindus who you SAY have the oldest religion? Again, there is no way to know for sure which came first in ANY sense of the word!

    2. To the Atheists, I would CERTIANLY emphasize the points in 1. You’re saying Hinduism before Judaism, but NO ONE says no God writings BEFORE God writings! Yet, the atheists ignore that key, key, KEY point! They allege that there was and is no God; yet, ignore the fact that mankind has ALWAYS written of God. If there was no God then there would SURELY have been a time when He had to be imagined or otherwise invented. But we see NO EVIDENCE of that. Can you imagine 500 years into the history of humanity someone just out of the blue saying, “There is a God who created everything.” People would be saying, “What?!?!?!? Why haven’t we heard about this before now?” LOL!

    3. Either you believe in God or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways. God says that He is ALMIGHTY! So, He is the one who refuses to share the stage with these other Gods. 2,000 years later, Jesus–who is God incarnate or God made man–said, “I am THE truth, THE life, and THE way. NO ONE comes to the father except by me.” Now you’re asking us–mere mortals–to ignore that, because you are uncomfortable with it?

    4. NO ONE is “innocent” as you say. God knows what each of us knows and doesn’t know. The Bible ASSURES us that …

    A) We are judged NOT by what we don’t know, but what we DO know

    B) ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (and THEREFORE are guilty of trespasses against God)

    C) ALL of us have an innate sense of God, truth, right and wrong, etc. We all are born with generalized revelation about God

    So, what’s this garbage about the tribesman who has never heard of Jesus? What? He has sinned against the GOD that he has sufficient knowlege of, but he wouldn’t have sinned against Jesus? He defied GOD but he wouldn’t have defied Jesus?

    5. There is ALSO the doctrine of predestination that you ignore. CLEARLY the ones who have never heard of Jesus were not chosen by God for salvation. EVERYONE, we learn through scripture, gets … EITHER justice or mercy. Those who go to hell get EXACTLY what they deserve. We ALL deserve that! But the rest of us get … saved. Grace. Unmerited favor.

    It is absolutely a question of justice versus mercy, NOT a question of the innocent getting the shaft.

    6. You are a mere mortal who has ZERO capacity to step inside the mind of God. Yet, you lay it ALL out for us how illogical God is and how much better your way of thinking is. What an insult to God! What a false sense of self importance for yourself!

    Look, every Christian who is paying attention has questions. Some of your questions are in fact natural and normal. But to go further, as you do, concluding that God is somehow unjust or unfair or irrational or full of Himself is … teetering on blasphemous.

  • OkieDanCer says:

    The Creator is the Truth and those who profess to know Him have often been the most destructive of His children. The great majority of them have forgotten or conveniently misplaced the other Great Commandment – Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Until we, every last one of us, can learn to accept others and their beliefs and not see them as mortal threats, humanity will continue in ignorance and hate on the path to destruction. The Truth awaits us…either way!


    As a Hindu I believe that it is absurd for people to suggest that there can only be one true religion. If there is one true relgion it is Hinduism, for which the real name is “Sanathan Dharma” (eternal religion). All religions belong to god as far as I am concerned.

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