okay. you hear pagan. you hear witch. you automatically think spells and potions, incantations and summonings….how sad you know nothing. magic is merely focusing the Will to accomplish something. it is probability enhancement. spells are nothing more than, prescribed or intuitive, carefully constructed psychodramas designed to align the subconcious mind with the concious mind. that way you are working towards your goal without even thinking about it. there are no “summoning spirits” for Gaians. Life force is all around us. we may use a ritualized meditation to change our perception and interact with our subconcious. no curses or hexes. this is the 21st century. grow up. flipping someone off in traffic is technically a curse, a hex. saying “i hate you, i hope you die’ is obviously one. it just vents anger. so , in the past one may have used psychodramas to vent anger and frustration. to reset their mindset. no love spells. though this is the most requested and asked about for all pagans of any denomination. if you believe you need someone else to bring you a loved one, then you really need to work on yourself. money spells. well same as above just add the word money. you think burining a candle will actually in and of itself bring you money. no. saving and looking for multiple streams of income will. talismans and amulets. nice jewelry. in and of themselves they carry no power. only what the human sees in it. such like a blanket when you were a child. your favorite one …
@nahnni thank you, thats bandita rita. a stray mamacita that decided to move in with me. she’s my baby girl.
Beautiful cat~
I love all your altar decorations. They were so pretty. Watching you put that puzzle together was really calming too. Yay for The Raven!
please read side bar, thank you.