Galicia, a Geological and Historical Introduction
The first sign of any real settled existence in Northern Spain probably began around about the time circa 4000 BC. The evidence to support this claim comes from some of the striking archaeological remnants to be found right across the north of Spain known as Dolmens..
These were the large stone burial chambers that were actually quite common across much of northern Europe at the time. With regards to Spain the majority of these can be found in Galicia. There are other archaeological remnants to be found such as various standing stones and much simpler pit burial sites.
As befits an area all of Europe known as the Iberian Peninsula the inhabitants of Spain logically are referred to as Iberians by default. Little is actually known of their origins apart from the fact that they spoke languages that are not from the Indo-European group that unites the vast majority of European and Western-Asian languages under its umbrella.
With regards to Galicia the most important grouping were the Celts who descended in waves in the late second millennium B.C. They spoke an Indo-European tongue and settled mostly in the north and west of the peninsula.
Their influence is very apparent in place names, language and culture.
There are still very close parallels between European areas settled by Celts; sitting over a cider while listening to bag pipes in Asturias you might begin to ponder how old these traditions actually are? The principle architectural remnant of the Celts is the Castro, a fortified hill top or trading compound of which there are very many to be found in Asturias and Galicia.
The inhabitants of Northwest Spain have long