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Gary pot doll has a Haitian voodoo witch doctor cursing a vodou doll of him with black magic. Otherwise (AKA) vudu or vodou magia negra. An african witch doctor is a voodoo doll expert from haiti. Vudu magia negra (black magic vudu) is very serious business. Dr. Haze the haiti african voodoo expert/with doctor has Gary doll is a lot of trouble. Africa black magic is NO joking matter. -But this video is a huge joke. Email us: and let us know what you think… G-man
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Well, heres the deal : there wasnt much good things in the 2p Slot Machines at the amusements on holiday, but i saw these voodoo dolls. I tried to get 1 and i did (yay), then i saw another 1 i liked, and then i decided to make a collection of them. I bought 5 of them during my 4 day holiday, which are on cardboard: Kung Fu Kid, Killer (reminds me of Zorro),Sumo,Bandit,Samurai. Theres some doubles, but every one is unique (like dancing hamsters). There is about 45 in this video. Video also includes my other prizes which i got on holiday too!! I think their quite cute, i really like the brown 1 with the long nose, and the cactus green 1 with a pink bell. Their so kawwaii!!! :3 …. is that how you spell it? lol Enjoy Adam (If anyone wants to know what each of my 5 i bought from the shops watchover, please let me know and i’ll type them here) Song by Sakura Hiyori, and i think it was from an ending from a series of bleach.

50 Responses to GARY 14: voodoo doll vodou haitian vudu doctor magia negra

  • harlyparlycharlie says:

    i got a superman one 🙂

  • bfhplayer49 says:

    where u get them?

  • latvietissssss says:

    I’ve got only destroyer and equaliser.

  • RougeTheBat789 says:

    @crazyhippo93 a shop?which shop lol

  • RougeTheBat789 says:

    @VintageCupcake1997 lol i have 4 but they are like $1 each…in america!

  • RougeTheBat789 says:

    @crazyhippo93 wait, wheres 2p o.o?also, i have only 4 now lol

  • crazyhippo93 says:

    @RougeTheBat789 I got them in those 2p slot machines on holiday and from a shop that sold them there. The songs by Sakura Hiyori but ive forgotten the actual name of the song. It is from an ending song for bleach


  • RougeTheBat789 says:


  • dorororocks702 says:

    i dont enetend to actullay use for voodoo 😀

  • dorororocks702 says:

    @scenemopwincess2 25 cents less!!! 😀

  • dorororocks702 says:

    i have a blue one with black pants and orenge head band

  • Konzuboi says:

    Yeah i got two from a slot machine too.

  • vlogboy209 says:

    @seekerofdarkness i keep mine in a little coffin i made

  • karlopogi123 says:

    I just got one one for 4 quarters o_O
    It is a black one with red eyes and a X on the body and

  • CrazyManiacGirlx says:

    i only just herd about them recently and my friend gave me 2 of them and she gave my sister 1 and they look very cool!

  • kylahkarla says:

    i have a kung fu kid! I got it yesterday.

  • seekerofdarkness says:

    @crazyhippo93 ah. Mine were just on my backpack. but ever since I got them every time at night they jingle. >.> At least now i nu i ain’t the only one. :3

  • crazyhippo93 says:

    @seekerofdarkness Mine are in a shoebox at the moment, but sometimes you do hear a jingle from their bells every once in awhile O_o

  • seekerofdarkness says:

    I have to of them. But like since i got them Its like freaks me out. I hear them jingle when i go to sleep. (i’m really parinoid) So Do u get anything weird with them? or is it just honestly me? O.o i thought they were franchised and wouldn’t be like the real kind of things. but now idk

  • xbatred says:

    woah you have tons! Please tell me where you got yours!

  • R0XAS121 says:

    i have the bandit but does the effect of the vodoo dolls work or u can only do one of their effects

  • keith1y says:

    @ChunLi3 they are balls of yarn offering “prosperity” “love” “guardian angels” and all manner of other spiritual things, all of which you can only get from GOD direct. Thus anyone who seeks spiritual enlightenment of this kind without going to God for it, is going to get it from some other (non good) source. Real witch doctors use faeces and urine for this purpose, so I guess balls of yarn is an improvement or sorts. It is not the physical object that I am talking about here.

  • ChunLi3 says:

    @keith1y dude there balls of yarn!

  • keith1y says:

    @ChunLi3 I agree with you entirely, however the fact remains that demonic spirits are attracted to them and hang around them, and people with the gift of seeing the spiritual dimension can see them. The related mutant dolls have them too.

  • ChunLi3 says:

    @keith1y dude they’re dolls made by a company whose only interest is getting your money! Furthermore , I think you need to google Voodoo and voodoo doll to understand what true voodoo is and what a true voodoo doll is.

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