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Question by thejuggla: Gay guys, is sex sacred to you?
I myself am gay, but I still think sex should be sacred btwn to lovers and not a tool used to pass time or just have fun.

Best answer:

Answer by Secret Keeper
100% agree with you. 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

17 Responses to Gay guys, is sex sacred to you?

  • Jyse says:

    yes, sex is sacred to me. I’m not usually one to talk about what happens in the bedroom between my bf and I. It’s not ones business… Even when I’m single I know I’m worth more than a one night stand, so I don’t go for them. I’m not saying I’m perfect but I’m saying there is more to life and love than just sex with someone. 🙂

  • Jake says:

    I agree. It seems that promiscuity has become the “in” thing, more so among GLBT individuals. I feel that intimate relations should be reserved for one person whom you truly love.

  • myavatara says:

    I commend you on that aspect of your thinking. I think its nice and very intelligent of you.

    I myself am a sexual predator LOL. I would like to find that one lover, but until that day I am going to have sex and enjoy the fruits of my looms.
    As for considering it sacred, I do not put it on a pedestal. I sometimes scream to the heavens though…..

    (EDIT) Not to sound like a complete nutter I should add that although I have nothing against promiscuity obviously, I am smart in my decisions. In the past I have always been faithful to my partner, and that will continue when I find one. I just feel that I should enjoy myself as an intelligent sexual being. Yeah you heard me!! LOL

  • rilley says:

    I agree sex should be something that is special and besides with the risk of having multiple partners it’s just smarter.

  • Loco says:

    I don’t believe in “sex” its all about making love. Still got myself saved up. 🙂

  • mpst63 says:

    Sex is a great way to show love to my partner or, when I’m alone, just to shoot my load. Take your choice. It can be a together kind of thing or ….. take your choice. Either way letting c*m fly feels great.

  • w66 says:

    i agree…

  • roj says:

    much as it pains me, I must agree with Myavatara on this one. The whole saving yourself and sacred sex nice if you’re a vestal virgin, but I happen to like nasty sex between consenting adults. We are sexual creatures. As long as no innocents are sacrificed I say go get balled!

  • Patrick C says:

    Good for you! But you might wanna stop short of passing judgment on others, lest ye find yourself getting buggered in a bathhouse or paying tribute at a glory hole.

  • poopstaind says:

    yep, that’s why I’m in my 20’s and I’m still a virgin….too much info?

  • T.A says:

    i agree with u but sometimes a person need some sex so he or she get a sex budie

  • A&F & HCO Boi says:

    I choose the second choice.

  • Da Ben Dan says:

    I don’t think of it as sacred. It’s just a biological function, albeit a great feeling one.

  • kaneijim says:

    I agree it is between you and your partner, I do not need to advertise what goes on, that is between me and my man

  • hankerlounge says:

    Why does it have to be such a big deal?

    It feels good, I do it for fun. I hate when people make everything so absurdly serious like the world is about to end.

  • ndrihalim says:

    I agree. Though I have to say, an accident years ago made me regretted that I’m a virgin no more.

  • maxpowr90 says:

    I personally do not have sex unless I am in a relationship.

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