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castes, and yet within my heart/1 meditate upon God./ I am haunted day and night by the thought/ Of my low birth, society and deeds/ 0 God! The Lord of the Universe!/ 0 life of my life – forget me not/ ; I am ever Thy slave.”
o GURU RAVIDAS –”The company i keep is wretched and low, and i am anxious day and night; my actions are crooked, and i am of lowly birth.”
o GURU RAVIDAS –”The One Universal Creator God! Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified.”
o GURU RAVIDAS –”You are me, and i am You. What fe the difference between us? We are like gold and the bracelet, or water and the waves. Ifi did not commit any sins, 0 Infinite Lord, how would You have acquired the name, ‘Redeemer of sinners’?”
o GURU RAVIDAS –”You are my Master, the Innerknower. Searcher of hearts. The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant. Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with my body. 0 Ravi Das, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare.”
o HARI DAM –”You live in time, we live in space. You’re always on the move; we’re always at rest. Religion is our first love; we revel in metaphysics. Science is your passion; you delight in physics. You believe in freedom of speech; you strive for articulation. We believe in freedom of silence; we lapse into meditation.”
o He prayeth well who loveth well/ Both man and bird and beast/ He prayeth best, who loveth best/ All things both great and small/ For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all.”
o HEINRICH HIMMLER –”The best political weapon is the weapon of terror.”
o HENDRIK WILLEM VAN LOON –”Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma.”
o HENRY D THOREAU –”As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be

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