o HENRY DAVID THOREAU –”How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”
o HERBERT M SHELTON –”At the very dawn of civilisation the Ancient Mysteries, a secret worship or wisdom religion that flourished for thousands of years in Egypt, India, Greece, Persia, Thrace, Scandinavia and the Gothic and Celtic nations, prescribed and practised fasting. The Druidical religion among the Celtic peoples required a long probationary period of fasting and prayer before the candidate could advance A fast of 50 days was required in the Mithriac religion in Persia.”
o HOMER SIMPSON –”Heres to alcohol: the came of, and solution to, all oflifes problems.”
o HOMER SIMPSON –”I’m not normally a praying man, but if You’re up there, please save me, Superman!”
o HUMPHREY BOGART –”The only thing that you owe the public is a good performance.”
o ITALO CALVINO –”There should be a time in adult life devoted to revising the most important books of our youth. Even if the books have remained the same (though they do change in the light of altered historical perspective), we have most certainly changed, and our encounter will be an entirely new thing.”
o J KRISHNAMURTI –”It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment y^ou are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”
o JAIN BLOG –”The Five Vows are: To practise non-violence or ahimsa by bit causing harm to any living being, to always speak the truth that is, follow Satya, to refrain from stealing by not taking anything that is not given willingly, to follow celibacy by avoiding sensual pleasures, and to remain detached and so follow non-possession or aparigraha.”
o JAIN THOUGHT –”The Universe is a
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