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composite of groups consisting of adverse pairs like knowledge and ignorance, pleasure and sorrow, life and death and so on. Life depends on such adverse groups. All the groups have their own interests, which create clashes and conflicts in thinking among themselves. Reality possesses infinite characteristics, which cannot be perceived or known at once by any ordinary man. Different people think about different aspects of the same reality and therefore their partial findings are contradictory to one another… Jaina philosophers established the theory of a Nonabsolutist standpoint Anekantavada with its two wings, Nayavada and Syadvada. Proper understanding of the coexistence of mutually opposing groups through these principles rescues one from conflicts. Mutual cooperation is the Law of Nature.”
o JAINISM –”The word “Paryushan” has several meanings: Pari + ushan = all kinds + to burn = to burn (shed) our all types ofkarmas. To shed our karmas, we do 12 different types of austerities including fasting. Another meaning of “ushan” is to stay closer. To stay closer to our own soul from all directions and to stay absorbed in our ownself (soul), we do svadhyaya (self-study), meditation, austerities, etc. Pari + upshamana = upshamana means to overcome, to overcome our passions (kashayas – anger, ego, deceit and greed) from all directions.”
o JAINWORLD.COM –”The Paryushan Parva is celebrated every year by members of the Jain community for self-purification and uplift – by ad- hering to the 10 universal virtues in practical life. This is meant to lead adherents on the right path, far from the mad strife for material prosperity, which ultimately leads the follower to his true destination-salvation.”
o JALALUDDIN RUMI –”Friends are enemies sometimes,

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