and enemies, friends.”
o JALALUDDIN RUMI –”Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbour. Cautious people say, “I’ll do nothing until i can be sure,” Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don’t be oneof those merchants who won’t risk the ocean.”
o JALALUDDIN RUMI –”The minute i heard my first love story, I started looking for you, nyt knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, They’re in each other all along.”
o JALALUDDIN RUMI –”Thinking gives off smoke to prove the existence of fire. A mystic sits inside the burning. There are wonderful shapes in rising smoke that imagination loves to watch. But it’s a mistake to leave the fire for that filmy sight. Stay here at the flame’s core.”
o JAMES C. HAGERTY –”If you lose your temper at a newspaper columnist, he’ll get rich or famous or both.”
o JAMES M BARRIE –”If you have it (love), you don’t need to have anything else, and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter much what else you have.”
o JATAKA –”On the eastern side of this Himalaya, the king of mountains, are green-flowing streams, having their source in slight and gentle mountain slopes; blue, white and the hundredleafed, the white lily and the tree of paradise, in a region overrun and beautified with all manner of trees and flowing shrubs and creepers, resounding with the cries of swans, ducks and geese, inhabited by troops of monks and ascetics….”
o JAY A ROW –”Sattvik daan is the charity given through a sense of duty, without expectation of anything in return, to deserving persons and at the right time and place. In rajasik daan, the charity may not be given with a willing disposition; it might. be given grudgingly. Or it may be given
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