–”I met a man in/ Varanasi/ In a narrow/ lane/ Eyes like/ pools, dark and deep/ Lit in a/ leonine mane Sitting by the/ wayside/ Reading a holy/ book/ As i passed by,/ he said something/ And stopped me/ with a look In silence i/ stood, as he/ Scanned me up/ and down/ Then smiled a/ ruefulsmile/And slowly/ eased his frown He spoke and in/his voice/1 heard ancients/ of yore/ You’ve been/ called many times/But you follow/ the Path no more Look inside/ and you will see/If your actions/ are just and true/ You are here/ for a purpose/You haven’t/ forgotten, have you?”
o KISHORE ASTHANA –”My body Daughter of the earth Moves with the Earth Mymind Is a whirling dervish Dancing a dance Ofecstasy Faster and faster Till an eddy forms And all escapes Into nothingness Leaving me In a place beyond words The body forgotten The mind drained All is still And, in the calm The universes, silently, Expand in me As All-That-Is becomes All I Can Be.”
o KORAN SINGH –”The Entire Cosmos is all pervaded by the same divine power. There is no ultimate duality inhuman existence or in consciousness… The Newtonian-CartesianMarxist paradigm of a materialistic universe has now been finally abolished, it has collapsed in the face of the new physics. Our ancient seers had deeper insights into the nature of reality than people had even until very recently.”
o LALLA DED –”Now i saw a stream flowing; Now neither bank nor bridge was seen. Now i saw a bush in bloom; Now neither rose nor thorn was seen.”
o LANCET &UCL; REPORT –”Effects of climate change on health will… put the lives and well-being of billions of people at increased risk.”
o LAO TZU –”Silence is a source of great strength.”
o LEO BEENHAKKER –”A hobby is only fun if you do not have time to do it.”
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