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LEONELDRED –”If i’d known! was going to live so long, i’d have taken better care of myself… (and the planet?”
o LEWIS SMEDES –”To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
o LISA RANDALL –”The problem with detecting the fifth dimension (or the sixth, seventh, and so on) is that our bodies are built to measure only the three old-fashioned spatial dimensions, plus time as a fourth dimension. .. but the possibility of discovery of many more dimensions is tantalising, even probable, some time in the distant future.”
o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”Brahmn is spoken of as Sat-Chit-Ananda but includes what is not Sat, what is not Chit, and what is not Ananda. It is beyond speech and thought, yet the whole range of thought and speech lies wi-thin It. ‘Within It’ and -without It’ are just expressions, and like any other expressions about Brahmn they do justice neither to Brahmn nor to the speaker nor to the listener.” o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”Brahmn is that which cannot be expressed in words, even though the Upanishads use words to educate about Its nature.” o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”Brahmn is the value of our life and the truth of it is that it is lived’with ease’.”
o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”In the field of speech, Brahmn lies between two contrary statements. It is absolute and relative at the same time. It is the eternal imperishable even while It is ever changing. It is said to be both This and That.” o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 2.29) speaks of It as a “wonder”, for it is not anything that can be conceived of intellectually; it is not anything that can be appreciated by emotion…” o MAHARISHIMAHESH YOGI –”Words are inadequateto encompass That which is the unlimited fullness of

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