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for growth…. If we look honestly at our relationships, we can see so much about how we have created them.”
o SIDNEY JM LOW –”Nothing more impressive, picturesque, and pregnant with meaning and significance than Kumbh Mela can be witnessed in all of India.”
o SKANNAN, VEDVIKAS –”We are never alone as a species in the Universe. Wearealsointer-connected with the Earth, Sun, Moon and other planets orbiting in their appointed domains. In the ultimate reality, nothing remains unconnected in the cosmos. Aligning one’s consciousness in line with the principles of natural law, we can march towards perfection. .. Maintenance of natural order and pristine ecological balance is the sine qua non for ensuring well-being. The Vedas specify four types of living beings, namely, andaja – born of eggsJivaja-bornof ^ womb.svedaja.-bornof moisture and udbhijaborn of earth and declare that these are impelled by Prajnanam; or consciousness.”
o SM KRISHNA –”We will resist the forces of terrorism resolutely and with firmness and determination.”
o SOCRATES –”A life that is unexamined is not worth living.”
o SONIA GANDHI –”The people of India know what is good for them and they always make the right choice.”
o SPIRITUALPLATFORM.ORG –”Many dreamers have described the ability to fly in their dreams as a liberating experience. Flying with ease and looking down at the landscape below signifies that you are prepared and on top o; a situation or that you have risen above something. It may also mean that you have gained a different perspective on things. Flying dreams and your ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power. Having difficulties staying in flight signifies your own lack of power in controlling your own

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