circumstances… If you are feeling fear when you are flying or that you feel that you are flying too high, it suggests that you are afraid of challenges and of success.”
o SRI NARAYANA GURU –”Everyone, in every way, strives always to ctualise sel^happiness. This faith in self-happiness is so in all the worlds.”
o SRI SATHYA SAI BABA –”Education has two aspects; the first is related to external and worldly education, which is nothing but acquiring bookish knowledge. In the modern world, we find many well versed and highly qualified in this aspect The second aspect known is related to human values – that which is within. Human values are latent in every human being; one cannot acquire them from outside. They have to be elicited from within.”
o SRI SATHYA SAI BABA –”God is the Sun and when His rays fall upon your heart, not impeded by the clouds of egoism, the lotus blooms and the petals unfold.”
o SRI SATHYA SAI BABA –”Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use.”
o SRI SATHYA SAIBABA –”As long as you have attachment to the body and attachment to ob, jects, fear and suffering will be with you. Therefore Krishna told Arjuna to develop his discrimination and rid himself of body consciousness. He told him that once he was free of body consciousness he would be able to develop integral vision. Embodiments of Love, Mankind today has three types of vision. The first is body-oriented vision, which is totally superficial. When you have this kind of vision you see only the external appearance of others, such as the clothes and the orna- ments they wear, their facial features, their body
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