characteristics, their peculiarities of speech, etc. This type of vision is oriented only towards the phenomenal world. The second kind of vision is insightful vision.”
o SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR –”You have been given the highest blessing, the most precious knowledge on this planet. You are the Divine Self; you are part of the Self. Walk with that confidence. It’s not arrogance. It’s Love.”
o SRI SRIRAVI SHANKAR –”We need to be aware of our own selves, our body, our breath, our mind, how the mind works. So the first thing that a student was given was to make him realise “Who you are?” Get confident.”
o STEPHEN KING –”A life of giving-not just money, but time and spirit – repays. It helps us remember that we may be going out broke, but right now we’re doing OK. Right now we have the power to do great good for others and for ourselves.”
o STEVIE WONDER –”Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesnt mean he lacks vision.”
o SUFI PROVERB –”I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”
o SUN MYUNG MOON –”The order of existence in the universe is rooted in acting for the sake of others. The world of true peace, love and the ideal is both the ideal of God’s creation and the desire of humankind. Therefore, the origin of happiness and peace lies in livingfor the sake of others.”
o SWAMI MUNI NARAYANA PRASAD –”The world Sri Narayana Guru thought of is not merely the physical ne… it is not merely the here and now. It is the physical and mental orlds… it is the here and the hereafter together. The ultimate reality he perceives is the Substance that unfolds itself as “this world”. He called the reality as atian. The mysterious cretive potential hidden in his equally mysterious tman, to unfold itself
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