scattered waters rave, And the winds their revels keep!”
o EPILOGUE INMUNDAWANI –”Three things are there in the vessel: Truth, contentment and intellect, The ambrosial Name of God is added to it, The Name that is everybody’s sustenance. He who absorbs and enjoys it Shall be saved. One must not abandon this gift, It should ever remain dear to one’s heart. The dark ocean of the world Can be crossed by clinging to His feet. Nanak, it is He who is everywhere. I can’t measure Your grace; You’ve made me worthy of You. I am full of blemishes; I have no virtue, You have been compassionate. Compassionate You have been and kind, Thus I met the True Guru. Nanak, I live on the Name alone, It pleases my heart and soul.”
o ERIC HOFFER –”We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they who need public cures for their private ails.”
o ERMA BOMBECK –”Seize the moment Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.”
o ERNIE BANKS –”The only way to prove that youre a good sport is to lose.”
o FAIZAHMEDFAIZ –”Last night, your lost memories crept into my heart as spring arrives secretly into a barren garden as a cool morning breeze blows slowly in a desert as a sick person feels well, for no reason.”
o FRADITIONAL ONAM SONG –”When Mahabali, our King, rules the land, All the peoples form one casteless race. And people live joyful and merry; They are free from all harm. There is neither theft nor deceit, And no one is false in speech either. Measures and weights are right; ‘Jo one cheats or wrongs the neighbour. When Mahabali, our King, rules the land, All the peoples form one casteless race.”
o FRIEDNCH NIETZSCHE –”Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
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