Globaloney Warming Jihad
The nice thing about belonging to a cult, is that the cult’s ideology explains everything. No thinking is involved. If one looks to explain why cultured people would support ideologies as evil, ridiculous, and fascistically intolerant as Nazism, Communism or Islam the answer is simple. Belonging to the cult removes thinking, marks the follower as superior, and replaces science, thought and energy, with lazy subservience. Why bother to think and act when the leadership will do it for me? So it goes with the Eco-Marxist cult.
Educated Germans supported Hiterlism for many reasons but one appeal was its inevitable superiority. The great Nazi, dialectical race-based program was unstoppable, as long as the aryan race supported it. Considering that Aryans were a race located in Persia reveals the bathos of ignorance that most cults revel in. The German people ignored Nazsim’s raging evil and twisted cultish nonsense in a bid for world superiority. There is little evidence that Hitlerism did not have the full support after 1936, of the German people.
With Communism and Islam the same can be said. Russian Communist imperialist ambition was part of a dialectical or inevitable process, where Communism would be the final stage of human organisation. This very weird idea had the full throated backing of literally hundreds of millions of people.
Islam is another bizarre cult, which like Nazism and Communism is drenched in lies, blood and hate. The pagan moon cult demands that the whole world submit to ritualised pre-7th century ideology, premised in part on rock worship. That any educated, sophisticated or mildly rational person would put up with such nonsense is rather depressing. Calling it