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a religion is an insult.


The Mother Earth Cult is little different in style, substance and threats, from other univeral cults. The only obvious difference is military power. Fascist paganisms such as Islam or Nazism or Communism, delight in murder, rape, war, and coercion. There is thankfully no military array [yet], behind the Eco-Marxist cult of Globaloney Warming. But state coericion is of course a very real, and quite destructive phenomenon.


State power is used in all sorts of ways to foster the Earth Mother cult onto unsuspecting populations. The Eco-cult follows a similar plan which can be found in Islam, Communism or Hitlerism. The only thing missing is a capital city, but surely at some point that too will arise. There will be in the near term, a city or an area set up as the pilgrimmage point for the Globaloney Warming fanatics. Perhaps it will be the UN building; maybe an Arctic ice floe [full of cuddly polar bears]; or maybe a large dump [reflecting more accurately the mental capacity of its membership]; but nonetheless the day will come when the UN, the EU and the US State Department – the three glorious horsemen of the apocolypse – announce a Global Warming capital.


Outside of the lack of a capital the rest of the cult’s program is there.


Like all other cults the Eco-Earth mother cult, demands subservience to a bizarre idea and the prostration of its followers to that ideal, and most importantly to the cult’s leadership. The Earth mother cult has its leadership in the form of politicians, eco-alarmist groups, government alarmist departments and the UN. Thankfully as of yet, the Eco-Earth cult does not yet have a Mecca, a new Berlin, or a Moscow from which to

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