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direct correlation between Co2 and anything. From 1945 to 1975 Co2 emissions went up and mean temperatures went down. Since 1900 satellite readings reveal that the average surface temperature has gone up by 1 C – hardly alarming and certainly not outside of historical experiences. 12000 years ago the earth was in the deep freeze of an ice age. Magically it receded and the earth grew warmer. How did that happen? Human activity? Come on.


It is sheer madness that anyone believes that human activity which has activated a mild increase of a natural gas comprising maybe 4% of the total in the atmosphere, has somehow given Mother Earth a raging fever. Natural biomass emissions constitute 96% of total Co2 emissions. The blast of a volcano will spew more Co2 into the biosphere than human activity will emit in 1000 years.


Yet the cult persists. Destroying the modern world to feel good about yourself, or boost your ego, because you have no road map, spiritual program, or a low feeling of self worth is not very intelligent. Allowing companies, politicians, and lobby groups to make excessive profits feeding off of ignorance and fear is not moral. Lying about dying polar bears, hurricanes, ice sheets, weather patterns is criminal. Supporting such a cult of disinformers is, in the main, an abdication of reason.


Wise up. Cults should be fought and destroyed wherever they appear. If you want to help Mother Earth, then clean up your local rivers and land, and stop projecting inane and irrational abstractions onto the rest of society. If you are too lazy to actually do something to help the environment, then at least have the good sense to shut up and stay silent on something as irrational as the idea that Co2 is

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