God create souls? Science & Spirituality: Physics & Soul
PublishedJuly 16, 2010
www.siddhayatan.org http www.siddhalishree.com (blog) Living Enlightened Master, Acharya Shree Yogeesh, answers a thoughtful youtube message regarding the law of physics, the creation of soul, and if “God” creates the soul?, who created god, god create world, who created world, god, is there a god, spiritual healing Acharya Shree Yogeesh answers the following questions What is the connection between Soul & Physics? Science? Did God create Soul? What is the difference between Soul & Energy? Acharya Shree states that, “that which does exist will always exist, and that which doesn’t exist will never exist.” Further, he states that God does not create soul. That infinite souls already exist in the universe, so the souls that “do not exist, cannot be brought into existence.” Also he clarifies that matter (energy) and soul are eternal, however, he explains the difference between energy and soul. In addition, he states that all living beings are God…which is all soul. *tags* soul energy, science vs. spirituality, spiritauality explained in science, scientific, physics, metaphysics, metaphysical, science of soul, science of god, science of religion, explanation of soul, creation of soul, how are souls created, god creation, spiritual truth, spiritual experience, spiritual journey, hidden truth, spiritual experience of a master, spirituality meditation, meditation, enlightened master, enlightened teacher, enlightened guru, spiritual teacher, spiritual master, spiritual student …
25 Responses to God create souls? Science & Spirituality: Physics & Soul
enstien actuall came up with law of conservation of energy after hearing some phrase in geeta or some indain book….that souls cannot be created or destroyed… it can only transfer from one body to other…….which is the basic of hinduism.tat if u do some thing good you go get your soul in to human body….if u do some thing bad u may live as an animal….
No if big bang was not proven it would mean Big Bang HYPOTHESIS.
Gravity is also a theory but hey it works.
And Big bang doesn’t state everything begin to exist from nothing but rather say that at beginning there was singularity and that singularity began expanding but what was before singularity almost all physicist will say I don’t known which is very good answer because we can’t even speculate what was before time.
Nothing exists! Nothing is eternal; there is no soul. Law of Physics keeps changing or new postulates come by, just like Quantum Mechanics has debunked many of the things in Newtonian Physics. In another 50 years, we will have discovered new Physics and we will not be talking about law of Physics as we know now….
Do not rely on some books for Truth! Rather it is experienced….
Souls were created when material were created (something similar to big bang but could be even longer because big bang could just be a small blast of this universe, there could be more universe), Soul will be destroyed once universe and everything is finish, and the time span is trillions trillions trillions trillions years, and our soul will always exist, to escape from birth and death and form a non-living particle (soul particle), we should stay conscious and that’s all I can do as a human.
About the universe. No one ever discovered how the whole universe born, they now some possibility of start of the galaxy’s and planets, stars, constellations. But thats are only theorys made after observation the sky, no proof, no evidence and no ever will be. I could write you more and more, and tell why but there is not enough space. Take care.
Long time ago scientist discovered that everything whats around us has his own energy (as well ancient people) the same they discovered few years ago that the thought can be used like a wave and be send many light years to the universe. So their are many obvious things now in our knowledge but unfortunately not for all. If you are not convinced to spirituality then start read more maybe after that start to comment others.
What is the purpose behind energy, our soul, matter? Why do we seek higher enlightenment and truth? Why do we go through this external charade to be alive and conscious? What is the purpose of this all. And what happens when we get to the point of highest enlightenment?
I´ve always wondered about this question, thanks for making it clearer.
enstien actuall came up with law of conservation of energy after hearing some phrase in geeta or some indain book….that souls cannot be created or destroyed… it can only transfer from one body to other…….which is the basic of hinduism.tat if u do some thing good you go get your soul in to human body….if u do some thing bad u may live as an animal….
No if big bang was not proven it would mean Big Bang HYPOTHESIS.
Gravity is also a theory but hey it works.
And Big bang doesn’t state everything begin to exist from nothing but rather say that at beginning there was singularity and that singularity began expanding but what was before singularity almost all physicist will say I don’t known which is very good answer because we can’t even speculate what was before time.
Nothing exists! Nothing is eternal; there is no soul. Law of Physics keeps changing or new postulates come by, just like Quantum Mechanics has debunked many of the things in Newtonian Physics. In another 50 years, we will have discovered new Physics and we will not be talking about law of Physics as we know now….
Do not rely on some books for Truth! Rather it is experienced….
google Doe’s Account, its mindblowing.
@TheIcemanModdeler If the Big Bang Theory was truly proven, it would not be a theory now would it?
@GBJ83 Because of the BIG BANG Theory, wich is proven by physics that everything began to exist out of nothing.
we are all matter n gods energy werejust borowing (ife)energy . thats why god formed us.since were made out of matter .
God is not subject to the laws of physics, the laws of physics is subject to God. Only God can create.
Thank you for this presentation. And it’s true, just by saying God created, we are giving God qualities of humans; and God is not a person.
Only you will know. None can give you the reason until you experience it yourself.
this guy seems very spiritual
very profound discourse, as is usual from this fine teacher.
Souls were created when material were created (something similar to big bang but could be even longer because big bang could just be a small blast of this universe, there could be more universe), Soul will be destroyed once universe and everything is finish, and the time span is trillions trillions trillions trillions years, and our soul will always exist, to escape from birth and death and form a non-living particle (soul particle), we should stay conscious and that’s all I can do as a human.
no but matter is energyI think this is what he means
Soul – Matter = Pure Sole = God ?
it is not logical!
so you dont have to endure the suffering of life, death and rebirth and live in a state of perpetual bliss
when did science say that the universe is not eternal?
About the universe. No one ever discovered how the whole universe born, they now some possibility of start of the galaxy’s and planets, stars, constellations. But thats are only theorys made after observation the sky, no proof, no evidence and no ever will be. I could write you more and more, and tell why but there is not enough space. Take care.
Long time ago scientist discovered that everything whats around us has his own energy (as well ancient people) the same they discovered few years ago that the thought can be used like a wave and be send many light years to the universe. So their are many obvious things now in our knowledge but unfortunately not for all. If you are not convinced to spirituality then start read more maybe after that start to comment others.
What is the purpose behind energy, our soul, matter? Why do we seek higher enlightenment and truth? Why do we go through this external charade to be alive and conscious? What is the purpose of this all. And what happens when we get to the point of highest enlightenment?
He said energy is matter, which it is not. He also states the universe has always existed, which does contradict science.
Where is the soul located? not just in the body but where exactly in the cells or chemistry?
He talks about phsysics and i wonder what he thinks about “The Big Bang Theory”