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In this 21st Century Neurology proves God, demons, & other deluded irrational beliefs are creations of our Universes Within, our BRAINS. Friedrich Nietzsche was correct when he said God is Dead.

25 Responses to God is Dead Long Live Penis-Christ & BRain

  • calpurnpiso says:

    Please learn English fool, feed that starving brain of yours.You were product of a F*CK not a STORK deal with it
    Everything I post in my videos is based on PROVEN FACTS, it is not my fault you are ignorant uneducated unable to understand the point in my videos.

    We are evolved mutated primates that CREATE god & other delusions with our brains when they suffer from Delusions inducing DISORDERS like schizophrenia

    Since you are a clueless idiot with nothing intelligent to say BYE LEARN

  • dothack2 says:

    disgusting video. ITS YOUTUBE for pete sake not National Geography.
    u are supposed to promote a healthy relationship between believers and stereotypes not creating a wider gap.
    Also, get ur facts straight, u should be embarrased when u told ppl that alla is a god. Old man, alla means god. Please, nonsense

  • calpurnpiso says:

    @spudshown Penis-Christ? Get a job collecting semen with your tongue caressing his venerable one eye bald you sacred orgasm.

    BTW retard, accept the Lord Penis-Christ in your arse. Blessed be Lord Penis- Christ, the one that satisfies.

    Go to the Vatican fall on your knees or go to Mecca & fall on your fours, raise your butt high up, let the Lord enter to get the HIGH you want..but quit posting here, where I’ll crush your brain with FACTS. Bye, seek help

  • calpurnpiso says:


    ROTFLMAO..thanks for proving my point retard…LOL…get a brain ..

  • spudshown says:

    not webermowdown. First of all, i agree with everything ur saying, i love penis too. You obviously wish like me it could rule the world. Based on that spartan helmet u have in the background, i can tell u get freaky with men like in that movie. We talk sometime about penis and ball really interest me too. I like to disprove the exist of unicorns by saying their horns are simply large penises to ride for fun. Write me back

  • spudshown says:

    hey how does ur mom feel about u talking about penis in her own house? that was a friend this is webermowdown your completly contradicting yourself i just challenged you to prove yourself and all you did was block me and say a bunch of completley irrelevant stuff if you ccan crush me wuth facts DO IT instead of repeating yourself a billion times and blocking anyone who challenges your faulty logic. do you talk like that from all the meat you eat? (penis)

  • calpurnpiso says:


    I block ignorant deluded morons like you that are CLUELESS of what my video is about deciding to attack me instead of discussing the MESSAGE.

    I know the TRUTH I present hurts Christophrenia infected morons like you…go get a life, FEED YOUR BRAIN so you understand my videos. BTW A brain is an awful thing to waste.
    Everything I post I in my video I can back up with FACTS 3:56. The more one knows the more difficult it is for other to LIE, fool. I can crush your sorry arse with facts

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Your parents brother & sister by any chance because you are CLUELESS of what my video is about.

    Don’t forget theotard you were product of the Lord Penis-Christ depositing offerings in your mom’s cave being rewarded by ORGASM

    FYI tard we created GODS & other delusions when our brain malfunction.
    Go see a neurologist to fix that malfunctioning brain of yours

    On your knees retard go absorb the sacred milk that created you, by kissing the resurrected Penis-Christ of your Dad 6:44 Bye

  • t0003 says:

    you must like penis huh

  • t0003 says:

    the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over agian expecting different results that sounds like someone i know (YOU)

  • t0003 says:

    its webermowdown again stop blocking me
    if you can prove anything you have said THEN DO IT instead o constantly repeating yourself am i the retard when you post the same thing over and over and over and over and over. all your videos say the ame thing and all your replys say the SAME thing you havent PROVED ANYTHING so suck it retard youll probably call me a retard and psychotic again oh no whatll you do now that i know your cycle

  • goenteman says:

    Gott ist tot !

    I love this man ! Thx for your vid.

  • goenteman says:

    i love this man !

  • kleenex3000 says:

    I appreciate the image of the Penus-Christus, that he resurrects from our crotch and our body (= TEMPLE OF SUN) respectively, then spills his river of life provided that he became worshipped accordingly beforehand. And, nothing to say about his amazing capability of REPEATEDLY denying his PREVIOUS sacrification through resurrection, AGAIN and AGAIN! PROVIDED that you respect, appreciate and care WELL for your own body, your TEMPLE of the SUN! (No life on Earth without the energy of the sunbeam)

  • SeliSunnyMilk says:

    Oh, and never forget BICAT — Brain Is Creating A Thought, who knows what parts of my brain were active while I wrote the above comment?

  • SeliSunnyMilk says:

    Very well done, =) I will agree all the way

    « God is Dead Long Live Penis-Christ »
    Yes, I see no sign of a living god, gods are just concepts created by deluded brains too weak to think properly about the world, especially in this 21st century (or 28th, ab urbe condita, 2762-63 since founding of Rome)
    As for Penis-christ, that just made my day =) Any man’s penis is far more useful to me than any belief in any god, any time, any day

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Thank you friend. Yes, I’m 68, never get sick was brought up in a Christianity infected family, I was an altar boy, attended an all boy Catholic school sung in the choir Never molested, Met both Popes Pius XII & John XXIII in private audience. Had an extremely happy childhood.Traveled all over so I KNOW the nature of this psychosis,Faith in God etc
    To be healthy & looking young we males must get rid of that aging stuff, sperm, do Everything in moderation & be mentally healthy, atheist

  • Dhorpatan says:

    Calpurnpiso, you look very healthy considering your age. Obviously there must not be a God considering how healthy you are, relative to how much you attack God. If God were real, one would think your health would be impugned by said God because of your blasphemy. But since your health appears so robust, especially considering your age, this gives evidence there is no God.

  • Godisableedingfaggot says:

    well, i wish they would just drop the whole act and bust of out of it…but that wont happen anytime soon.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Well said, thanks for the input.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Thanks friend, it’s always good to slap the Christophrenics with the truth..

  • Godisableedingfaggot says:

    nice as always

  • youtubkicksass says:

    When people say god is spirtitual they are faggot retards who cannot prove that is budda giveing him power or any other imaginary friends.

  • youtubkicksass says:

    The terrorist is not to blame its the faggot Christians and Muslums to blame. They teach in the bible and quran to kill the non believers of the religion and inforce it. Just because your church raping priest didnt tell you doesnt mean shit. If anyone actually believed in a hippy Jesus then they would take the bible more seriously and they end up as terrorists. Even part of one of the main commandments allows you to kill enimies of the religion fuck jesus for making this shit up.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Well said. It is up to neuroscientists, like the ones in Italy, to define religion as a dangerous psychosis that WILL make us extinct if we do not address it.

    Google Brain surgery boosts spirituality.

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