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This video, based on the book: The Evolution of God written by Robert Wright, poses some interesting questions. Notice how in the Genesis Yahweh is a god who makes things, like clothes for Adam and Eve (yes, unfortunately he didnt have a clear concept of globalization, otherwise a couple of Chinese tailors could have been enough!). They heard the sound of the Lord walking in the Garden, Yep! Quite physical Hiding quite a naïve strategy if God is omniscient, well maybe he forgot to give a brain to Adam and Eve, or teach them how to use it, and switch it on! Apart the jokes this audio part of the book points out how Yahweh (which maybe was not Yahweh, since we know that the Tanakh have been heavily redacted and the name of the old gods have been changed in Yahweh) is very material and similar to the gods of hunt-gatherer societies. Of course there is the paradox that it is not even clear if it was Yahweh or another god who actually created the universe, and maybe Yahweh was just one of the gods with supernatural powers. If Yahweh starts his career as a warrior god, who is running the universe? This is also another interesting question to pose: which one is the best god to worship? Would the author of the different books of the Bible warn against serving other gods if those other gods didnt exist? How could Yahweh be a jealous god if there were not other gods to be jealous of?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Gods worshipped in Israel!

  • 77705000000000000000 says:

    In The Name of Allah
    [14:36] And remember when Abraham said, ‘My Lord, make this city a city of peace, and keep me and my children away from worshipping idols. [14:37] ‘My Lord, they have indeed led astray many among mankind. So whoever follows me, he is certainly of me; and whoever disobeys me — Thou art, surely, Most Forgiving, Merciful.

  • 77705000000000000000 says:

    No Allah is the one who created everything he is not idol and in islam we fight the idols .

  • Daud2008 says:

    @77705000000000000000 yeah continue to mention more idols of bedouin tribes, it will make you feel right, just because you have been brainwashed into believe in them. But to worship false gods, like allah or the others, will not help you, or the other human beings that like you live in such a misery.

  • 77705000000000000000 says:

    In The Name of Allah
    [20:50] Pharaoh said, ‘Who then is the Lord of you two, O Moses?’ [20:51] He said, ‘Our Lord is He Who gave unto everything its proper form and then guided it to its proper function.’ ]

  • Daud2008 says:

    @77705000000000000000 Allah is just an idol of some Bedouin tribes preying caravans in the desert! The real god is Brahma! You can continue to worship silly idols like Allah, but then you continue to perpetuate the state of misery people live in this world, because like you they worship false gods.

  • 77705000000000000000 says:

    the real name for God is Allah not Yahweh .

  • emanxavier says:

    Yahweh is in Correct.
    In Exodus 3:14 he clearly saind ‘AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH’ I AM THAT I AM

    Yahweh is the Bull god of european imposters who call them selfs JEW-“ISH”

  • djbehemoth says:

    @graphattic Well said

  • LuxorVan says:

    Worship Amun, the Overlord of all things the true creator of the universe! My son is that warrior who stole my name and his mother (It’s Job)!

  • LuxorVan says:

    Yeah did you know that Christ is God? Actually God was King David as well! Read Daniel 12 and worship Amun the Sun Disk (Actual creator of flesh) and now I’m Zzaywa true Lord of Everything Brahman Amun Almighty Living (BAAL) my son Ball is a canner! Love Amun let me clean you “I will eat your spirit until it’s 6 years old so you all walk upright”! Good Day my child

  • rexineffex says:

    There actually is a true Creator and a true Deceiver.
    And maybe the Bible is corrupt as well. It was written by man.

    We will all find out one day ..won’t we?…

  • Cootabux says:

    I just mentioned her to show how important all this is to me. I can only hope a few will find the courage to think for themselves.
    I never tell anyone to believe as I do. I just suggest they ask themselves the hard questions, & question what doesn’t make sense. To do their own research and see what they find.
    Anyway, that’s what I did. I didn’t take anybodies word for anything. I found the answers myself, & they were mind blowing! Few people know the whole story. U gotta work 4 it!

  • Cootabux says:

    Yes, that’s true. It took me long enough 2 change. But like I say, u can’t unring a bell! Once I learned what I had about this judeo-christian religion, there was no going back.
    Those who hide in the shadow of their invisible cosmic tyrant, give up their personal responsibility 4 making the hard decisions in life. They wanna play it safe. My lady friend is afraid 2 live & afraid 2 die. She just wants 2 do right so she’ll get 2 heaven, she says! Ha!
    She’s 2 afraid 2 listen to reason!

  • graphattic says:

    Its the hardest thing in the world to change a person on the inside withour hurting or forcing them. Especially if they are not changing a bit inside on their own. But as you said, we can pationately educate them. However I think we also need to make those efforts and changes in society, that are standing as the cause for people finding refuge in religion. Admidetly this world is harsh, and if one is not strong inside, one can only survive by getting attached to a “God”.

  • Cootabux says:

    That the truth!!
    I was a Xian 4 many years before I really did some research & discovered all this incredible material about the Judeo-christian religion. Since I deconverted, I’ve lost many friends, incuding the womaqn who was my 1st love. What I’m saying is that this religion is an illness! It changes the way a person thinks & even lives.
    You are so right in saying we need more people who know & can accept reality! Most Xians, espec. Fundies, cannot! We can only try 2 educate them.

  • Cootabux says:

    I can tell u, that’s exactly what they do.
    Ive been studying the Ugaritic texts. They tell the whole story how the Hebrews adopted, or shared their “religion” with the Canaanites & other older Mesopotamian cultures! They were all polytheistic. Their god Pantheons had the same gods, but when the Hebrews, who were the most recent got hold of it, they changed everything. They replaced El with Yahweh, giving Yahweh El’s attributes, even his consort, Asherah!!
    Xians freak out 2 this stuff

  • graphattic says:

    Well, I can only wish people like you and me, (concerning this view) get more and more, so one day we expose our subcontious tumors and actually get to be lovers of life, rather than lovers of death. Maybe if more people saw it like you, this would be a planet somebody would absolutely wan to get born in.

  • Cootabux says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Whatever the nature of the gods of the past, we know they acted, thought, and felt, just as we do! They were no different. We can see that very clearly by Yahweh’s murderous behavior! he had no problem killing women and infants, even torturing animals. Sounds like a Sociopath to me!

  • Cootabux says:

    We have traced both make & female back as far as we can. It puts the true Eve at about 150K years ago, and Adam at about 90K years! And they weren’t even geaographically close to each other.
    I think it’s time we realize that the bible stories just aren’t true, not in a literal sense. No A & E. No world wide Flood! Many amsall floods which seemed like the world was flooded to the people who survived them, but they were only local.
    If we had a world flood then, things would be much diff.

  • Cootabux says:

    The gods have long left. And btw, the gods made man in “their” image, not his. Only when Moses came on the scene do we find the prophets pushing towards monotheism. B4 the flight from Egypt, the Hebews were well aware of the “Divine Council” and it’s many gods who ruled.
    You didn’t know that there were more than one god?? You didn’t know that the creator god’s name was “El?” You didn’t know that he had 70 sons? Yahweh, Allah, and ba’al were just a few!
    And 2 answer your!

  • vaj311 says:

    Hello??? Can God ask us questions when he already knows the answer? Did he not know that Cain had killed his brother Abel in the field? Did the earth not open up its mouth and swallowed his blood and the blood spilt did scream out to God!? Since God did already know did why test God? Gods evolution? Come on! We were made in His image! A man made first, then a woman out of man! So nothing is to hard for God, so don’t test him anymore, and may God forgive you for your sin.

  • Euphobia1 says:

    The trouble is the biblical A&E do not appear in the evolutionary time line and they must. The are real people and must abide by the laws of nature and of course commit that sin!

    Interesting video. Thanks!

  • malsifood says:

    Who cares about what god did whatever??
    Jus a waste of time!

  • pikmindoctor says:

    very interesting

  • graphattic says:

    Gods always were, and always are humans, half talented, witty liars, withholding knowledge. At first it worked, but then they became deranged interbreeding “gods”, and the whole case of politics and religion went BOINK. Then they all wanted to be THE one, thus monotheism is just a championship of “gods”. Period. Now corporations are gods, and their mortal boards of council are demigods bathing in honey. Its all a repetitive twist in the dirty waters of human history.
    No god there sorry….

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