Question by Marley Sunshine: Going on shamanic vision-quest. Tips?
Also, I have just discovered that my spirit animal is the snake, if that helps.
Best answer:
Answer by ecstaticdevine
Embrace destiny.
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Question by Marley Sunshine: Going on shamanic vision-quest. Tips?
Also, I have just discovered that my spirit animal is the snake, if that helps.
Best answer:
Answer by ecstaticdevine
Embrace destiny.
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Study under someone who’s a true mentor and an ethical one at that… or study books within your tradition. There are too many traditions to answer your question in any detail here.
Edit/addition: according to some shamanic traditions, telling what your spirit animal is might make it leave you.
take plenty of water with you
Enjoy your trips.
if u r taking drugs, have a sitter….
Don’t take any wooden nickels ( or anything mind-altering or ingestible)
Relax, enjoy the journey and try to remember as much as possible so that you can learn from it. I was always told that one shouldn’t divulge the identity of a totem animal but I don’t know why. (?)
Who will be leading you on your quest? Will there be drumming? Will this be a first for you? I bet you’re looking forward to the new adventure.
Where are you going for this? It would be good to tell us where you are going and for how long.
Find yourself a companion ?
Take plenty of water and a very warm blanket. Don’t have preconceived notions about what will happen, rather be open to what will come your way.
Rock on.