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they hit the grain, I would wager the majority of these advisers would come back and say it all revolves around one word – tension with a Capital T.

The technique or one of the techniques that sports psychologists use to overcome this is to regulate the briefing. Possibly the master of this technique on the professional tour today, is the South African golfer Ernie Ells.

Not called The Big Easy for nothing, Ells’ secret lies with the fact that he believed deeply, calmly and serenely. This affects the pace he plays golf and his overall mental agility and awareness.

The next time you get a chance to watch Ernie Ells play, watch his relaxed style. Internally and mentally at times I am sure he is reacting like every other golfer in the game and he is probably have been just as many mental battles as the rest of us. The reason he probably manages to overcome quite so many of these battles is that he does not allow mental anguish to a variety his physical approach and style.

So how can we mere mortals emulate this style? Simple, regulate your breathing. When you walk onto the green use a three step technique.

Step one, breath in through your nose to the count or four. Step 2 Breathe out through your nose to the count of four. Step three, relax and take your put.

Go on give it a try, surprise your self.

Scott James writes about a number of Sports and Leisure based issues such as UK Golf Courses and European Golf Courses. A keen proponent of all aspects of free and independent services available, he advises clients to look at the bigger picture of Golf as investment vehicle for the Rich and Famous in Golf Real Estates

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