Question by Anna: Good books to learn about Shamanism?
What are some good sites to learn about shamanism & hedgewitchery?
and animal guides?
Oops, I put books in the question and then sites in the details.
I meant websites. Sorry.
Best answer:
Answer by Shorty
Principles of Shamanism by Leo Rutherford
Was the first book that I read upon shamanism and it really helped me to understand it more, it gives you room to decide for yourself how you can do those things within your culture, so you don’t feel like you are betraying the Original ways.
Hedge-Rider by Eric De Vries
Is one of the only hedgewitchery books that talk about actual hedgewitchery, all the other books about this path are mainly talking about green witchcraft..which is all fine but it doesn’t have anything to do with the true meaning.
Animal-speak by Ted Andrews
This is book is very popular and most people I have spoken to will recommend it to others. It is supposed to be very easy to read with a lot of good Information.
What do you think? Answer below!
I’d listen to shorty on this one, i have known her for a long time and i have seen how she has grown just by reading these books, there isn’t a lot of Information out there on Hedgewitchary but dint let that stop you from finding the path that you feel is right for you
Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman
The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
..I read them in that order and I think that soul retrieval is an easier read to get an understanding of it before reading the other one which talks about Shamanism in more detail