Greeting Cards and What They Mean to You
Greeting Cards and What They Mean to You
In this day and age of electronic greeting cards, greetings come to you in all designs and styles. With the technology of animation and enhanced graphics, the illustrations could either be in cartoon form with humorous lines which make you laugh or colored photos which portray nature and provide spiritual quotes to inspire you.
There another generation of greeting cards, the wish cards, which are patronized by the New Age markets who are into forms of esoteric art. This type of art portrays impressions of the spiritual world as perceived by modern visionary artists. The stage is set and there is some form of role-playing among the characters. Depending on how sensitive you are, it is up to you to interpret what is going on behind the scenes. People who are quite sensitive and perceptive sense the energies behind the artwork.
In contrast with extreme forms of esoteric arts, wish cards deal with energy on the positive and lighter side of life. They invite people to share random acts of kindness by giving away greeting cards to people within their sphere of influence like family members and friends. They do have very beautifully designed and illustrated art, but their themes are not heavy. They are all about Love, Peace, Protection, Health, Success, and your Ultimate Wish.
However, due to the strong influence of both medieval and esoteric art and the New Age concept of wishes which bring you Luck and other positive things like Love and Success, there is a misconception that they are one and the same as tarot cards.
Tarot cards which date back to an Egyptian origin influenced European cultures like those of Italy, France, and Sweden around
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