six centuries ago. The cards first started out as a deck designed for fun and games, but they later became associated with the practice of fortune-telling, magic, and the occult. It is said that, lest you want to be cursed, you cannot use the deck without the owner’s permission, unless it has been given to you.
Like modern greeting cards, the medieval pictures of tarot cards are also wonderfully illustrated as fine pieces of art. Some of the most popular tarot cards we know of are the Lovers, with the Sun, Moon, and Star, and the Wheel of Fortune, the Magician, and the Fool.
But unlike Justice and Death which play an important role in tarot readings, greeting cards like wish cards are infused with all the positive energy of words you can freely give away like Love and Peace. They offer good Health and Protection, and they assure Luck and Success. Once you have collected all your wish cards, your Ultimate Wish will be revealed to you.
Greeting cards are foreseen to be agents of change with touch people’s lives one person at a time. They are tools with the power to transform society into a better world starting with yourself and your immediate circle. The only thing they have to do with spells is to spell a big difference in lives through small, random acts of kindness everywhere.
Louisa Mann is a fan and is a practitioner of random acts of kindness. For more information on how you can change your part of the world with an inspirational Wish Card, go to
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