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deliciously prepared meals, and listening to entertaining music. Through greeting cards, we can thank those people whose professional labor and devotion make it possible for us to enjoy these simple comforts way beyond what their duty dictates.

The most important gifts in life which we enjoy are also meant to be shared. If we are talented with sports, why not share our techniques with kids during sports trainings and clinics? If we are expressive with our writing, why not write relevant stories and send out more greeting cards? If we are blessed with more money and resources, why not share with those less fortunate by giving them jobs and helping them start a livelihood?

We can speak volumes in praise of the glory of romantic love, our desire for world peace, and our fight for equality among men, but if we do not act on our thoughts at a level we can accomplish, then our most sublime thoughts are for naught. We can share simple words and short phrases like “I Love You” and “Take Care” in our greeting cards, but when we tell one living soul at a time how worthy they are, then our words are not in vain.

Louisa Mann is a fan and is a practitioner of random acts of kindness. For more information on how you can change your part of the world with an inspirational Wish Card, go to

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