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20 Responses to GRIMBOS PONCHO SET UP.

  • flamedrag18 says:

    you could also use a large tripod frame with this too in a open area without the tall trees for the overhanging branch.

  • boomtao says:

    Next video please don’t put music under the video footage, or mix it in much softer. You have to strain your ears in order to what is being said!

  • Hondacub2 says:

    I love ponchos nive set up

  • kolkron says:

    good vid

  • fegman says:

    lovely part of the world there Grimbo. You are very fortunate to have somewhere as nice as that close by you. I’m up’t North, and the closest places to me are either National Parks or Private woods which you aren’t able to doss down for the night legally….that said, if you get off the beaten track, you tend to get left alone…keep it up mate

  • CATmover1 says:

    I love ponchos. Nice setup.

  • hoosierarcher says:

    OK I hadn’t seen or maybe don’t remember the other vids.I couldn’t remember from back in the 1980s if all the NATO troops had the same panchos.I never much cared for panchos in combat.I always chose to be wet rather than possibly tangled up with a sheet of vinyl and dead. Oh something just occurred to me. Something we were taught in The Corps (and I’m sure every other service) is to have at least one change of socks & underwear in your kit & a small bottle of field laundry soap.Hygiene is job 1

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    of course..i have done this method in my other vids…thanks..

  • dinnerandashow says:

    nice music… really adds the mood.
    i am american and i dont think i have even seen a native american, i think the colonists murdered them all off.

  • KASPLARFO says:

    Excellent Idea and Demonstration Grimbo!
    Keep up the great work. (*****)

  • irrationalsolutions says:

    great video. keep it up.

  • FriarTuck1961 says:

    Beautiful Setup
    Well Done Grimbo.

  • hoosierarcher says:

    Yet another good vid Grimbo. Can you snap two of the UK military panchos together as you can American milspec panchos to expand the shelter? If not we tall, broad shouldered blokes can’t stretch out and get comfortable.

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    its an old vietnam surplus..

  • wolfbushcraft says:


  • wizzla111 says:

    looks very good.

  • kakashininja650 says:

    great vid what type of poncho is it

  • ashcaw says:

    Great use of kit, quality vid and I look forward to watching more of yours 🙂

  • raindog951 says:

    Very neat job. Those poncho’s have to be the most versatile bit of kit out there….Except maybe for the wool blanket.

  • bricardiff1969 says:

    nice one grimbo

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