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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Native American Chants – by Phil Thornton-download at iTunes: Spiritual Vitamins 1 – Native American Chants – by Phil Thornton Track title: Wa – Sha – Quon – Asin The History of the Native American Indians is tied to their spirituality which has a central belief that every single element, being or thing possesses a spirit: whether it is the sky or the earth’s core. They also believed that there are those whom hold extra special knowledge and powers – know as Shaman. Shaman is a Siberian word meaning ‘healer and magician’. The majority of Native American Indians believe that there are three worlds: The Lower World representing such things as landscape, the Middle World where we live in the present, and the Upper World above us in the angelic realms. Shaman are able to travel between these worlds while in a trance and it is these worlds that they meet spirits, and learn lessons and find answers to questions. The Native American Indians are said to possess the wisdom and knowledge of generations that stretch back thousands of years, with a sacred belief in the need to appreciate and be thankful for all that life provides. Nicole M. Franklin 2001 Another recording from this CD ‘Chant’ is also on this site, to listen to other tracks from the album go to the website below. webcast produced by
Video Rating: 5 / 5

27 Responses to grimbo’s wilderness living pt 1

  • kangatripper says:

    is pt 2 out yet mate?

  • ghostofthewoods says:

    Hi Grimbo.
    Great vids.
    A man after my own heart.
    I’ve started a new youtube tag so I can put all the bushcraft/wilderness type in one place.
    Will be subscribing in the near future.
    Keep up the good work.

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    hi fanbop,i outlined briefly in the video what the first needs should be,ie making bowls gathering food etc,and building asurvival shelter..thanks grimbo

  • fanbop says:

    Nice one grimbo, sounds like a great project. Look forward to following the series mate. (will you make a basic ‘starting kit’ list like what you might have in a survival situation and then stick to just using what you have to survive? Would make a great excuse to have fun with really having to improvise tools ect) Just a thought. peace.

  • WeaponCollector says:

    Great Video Grimbo 5/5

  • larrylynn123 says:

    Hang in there big guy! Love your videos!

  • wildlifeed says:

    Great idea Grimbo!! Can’t wait to see the next installment!! cheers, ED

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    an earth lodge is circular,mine will be interlocked saplings stay tuned

  • SpacedTime says:

    I agree, it will be a good series, and make sure you go into all the detail you can. I like nice long videos to sit down to, rather than watching dozens of short ones.
    An earth lodge,are they built in circular layers from the ground like an igloo? and dried?

  • raindog951 says:

    This should be a great series of videos, Thanks Grimbo!
    And well done on keeping going with the channel. An alternative would be to find some open source music. Might be something suitable out there to use without any copyright crap. And whoever flagged you is a complete jerk.

  • bbrand5150 says:


  • grtdaneviking says:

    just passing thro… I always like to watch your stuff…and What No snow…your lucky..

  • WEZO24522164 says:

    grimbo good to see you have taken time to think about closing down your channel that would have been a big loss to our bushcraft comunity ….your videos are great and wee all would like to see more ……..chin up wez

  • 0takop says:

    Thank you! Illegitimi non carborundum (Lat. “Don’t let the b@$tards get you down”)!

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    i have given the matter great thought,and you are all right,i will not close the channel whatever…i have earth skills and teachings which i must pass on..thanks grimbo…

  • Krynnr says:

    Hope you keepem comming Grimbo dont let the bastards drag ya down!! love watching your Vids!

  • SkogKniv says:

    I got flagged several times trying to load one video for that copyright bollocks. The same song I wanted to use is on YouTube over 300 times. They don’t know there gob from there assholes I think. Keep on rockin Grimbo! 5/5

  • 888zzz says:

    Don’t let one whiner get you angry. Don’t let one person ruin everything.

  • wizzla111 says:

    good video 5*.

  • riverratbushcraft says:

    All of your videos are great. It would be a great loss if you closed out your account.Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  • wolfbushcraft says:

    thanks everyone your support is great,,,maybe the guilty one would like to stand up and be counted…oh no thats an acdc lyric.0)

  • vstoprohva says:

    Then half of videos in youtube have to be blocked. Music is free to be used in education when there is no intent to earn or there is more than 70 years after the death of the introducer of the music. Usually music in youtube is not so old, but as I see it your videos are educational ones.

  • bricardiff1969 says:

    grimbo,look forward to you doing the living,A1.

  • TerraFirma369 says:

    As long as you are not making money off your videos, who cares what music you use. Some people have nothing better to do with their time. Peace.

  • 73mensailedoff says:

    Oh no don’t close your account Grimbo. I want to see the earth lodge when you get it finished.

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