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A tutorial and guide of smart casting and then spell stacking. Please Subscribe for more Videos 🙂
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16 Responses to Guide to Smart Casting and Spell Stacking – League of Legends

  • windrixx says:

    @slickis Spellstacking in this context means to queue actions. There’s an excellent post by Atlanta on RoG that explains it, but basically LoL has a 1-second buffer where you can queue actions to be done and they will be executed as soon as possible, but only 4 actions fit in the buffer. It’s how Trist can cast everything while? midair from Rocket Jump.

  • Marumbon says:

    And being 100% i can spell stack without smartcasting, i use smartcast but it’s all about speed, in the comparison video of smart? cast to clicking, that was some SLOOOOOOOOOOW clicking, i can just about be on time with smart cast a bit slower but a lot faster then you showed

  • Marumbon says:

    So basically to get spell stacking i hold shift and just? smack my keyboard

  • Artonox says:

    intro is awesome!?

  • 1511activate says:

    @deheerjona agreed , just using it on ezreal damn …now? i know how they do it~ 😀

  • deadric100 says:

    do you know how set up difrent smar cast? i mean like pros in theyr streams? like kennen q spell throwing shuriken its straight arrow with smars cast you only need to press q ant with pros smart casting when you press q circle apears and than you need to pres where you whant shuriken to go
    P.S i hope you will understand what i whanted to say

  • WhackinPhoenix says:

    @MagicWaterx everyone loves dancing? ? 🙂

  • deheerjona says:

    Just put qwer hotkeys to smartcasting. It pownds?

  • MagicWaterx says:

    The beginning is so corny… but? so awesome

  • WhackinPhoenix says:

    Thanks for all these comments, we are no experts by any means, we just tried to explain it in a way that was? simple and effective. Thanks for all the comments and yes i forgot to record the mouse 🙂

  • zemmay says:

    Great video, right? to the point. I gotta try this stuff out.

  • boom100060 says:

    @AK1TTENMC Its like using flash. It goes where your? arrow is.

  • drksquee says:

    there is not actually? a global cd tho…

  • requiem4adream33 says:

    Spellstacking.. is not the right term. What you’re? thinking of spell queueing. Also, there is no “global” cooldown. Many abilities have cast times, some do not. Some have very short cast times, some have very long cast times(Gragas W, for instance). All you’re experiencing is the gaming queueing the spell to go off after you finish casting your current spell.

  • gr1mreeper says:

    …… u click slow…… i can click fast enough? that it doesn’t really make a different……..

  • kenka007 says:

    youre doing it slow:D? if you go with leblanc its really quite faster

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