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If Charles had discovered a common interest; and interest that his Elle was really keen to pursue, he probably would have secured the next two or three dates. And while all this roller-blading or whatever was taking place, he could have searched further to find even more common interests that are dear to her heart.

By the way, don’t forget to tell her how good she looks in roller blades. Even if she is the type who would say: “I’ll bet you say that to every woman who looks good”.

Edward’s problem was worse. He was not even enjoying the first date, much less getting a second. “What went wrong?” I asked. “It was so stiff. The conversation was stilted. I am sure neither of us enjoyed ourselves. I felt so flat afterwards. I am sure she didn’t like me”.

“What did you do or where did you go?” I asked Edward. “We went for a walk in the Botanic Gardens and we mainly talked about our families and our jobs”. “Are you or she regular visitors to the Gardens?” I asked. “No, it was my first visit”, said Edward.

It was definitely unfamiliar territory. Most women would love to go for a walk in the Gardens. It’s so romantic. But not on the first meeting. It’s just too heavy with a perfect stranger. Talking about personal issues, such as family are also a little too heavy for a first meeting.

If she is not interested in you initially it will drive her further away. A quick cup of coffee or a drink is enough to find out what it is she would really enjoy doing. If you find that you have nothing in common – there will be a least one movie that you both want to see. It is vital that you convince her to see that movie with you.

Never waste a woman or an opportunity to practice on one. I explained to

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