another of those Hollywood driven ideas because the term has a more virile consonance.
“Warlock” is a term of derision and loathing that was originally used by the pagan people to describe someone who betrayed his people and the ways of Nature. Actually, the term “warlock” comes from the Middle English “warloghe”, and from Old English “wrloga”. The real meaning of these terms is: “the one that breaks faith” or “betrayer”.
Everyone knows that witches are able to cast spells. “Spell” is a word that actually derived from the old German “Spiel” and means “prayer”. Essentially, Christians, Moslims, Buddhists, Hinduists do pray for a certain outcome; and so witches cast spells for a certain outcome too. The belief is that one can harness the power of the life force of the universe to call into being what they desire.
Just like in any other religion, it is necessary that witches set the mood and state of mind in their practice. And so, they use some tools in order to cast spells such as Athame – a ceremonial knife, book of shadows (spell book), scented oils, herbs, etc.
While witches are supposed to be evil by a lot of people, truth is, whether or not anyone is good or evil is up to the particular individual. Witchcraft is neither black nor white, but merely is and how it is used depends on the user.
And in witchcraft, as it is the case in many other religions, we can do what we want for as long as we do not hurt anyone.
“For as you send, so shall it return to ye thrice-fold.”
Always remember this and happy spell casting on Halloween!
D. Halet is an European history, Holidays and Tarot Cards passionate; she writes articles and creates websites dedicated to these subjects.
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