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This video was made in response to a call for help from a YouTube viewer, Philomena who lives in Dublin. She has suffered for many years from debilitating ailments such as facial pains, muscular stress and worse, tinnitus in her right ear which has made her life and general well-being very difficult to endure. Philomena has used other healers and alternative therapy for many years without any measurable effect and reduction to her tinnitus complaint. Having seen my earlier video, she volunteered for hands on healing and this is an abridged account of what happened and importantly, how her tinnitus has been reduced to a level that she never thought possible. If you would like to receive my help, please write to me here, or by email at the address given in the video. My healing abilities are very strong, and I am certain I can help you.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  • AspiringPotato says:

    This mocks itself, so i’ll go now.

  • lukeclarke2006 says:

    hi Constantine99999 iv seen ur work over these youtube videos and am rely intersted , wud like to get hold of u somehow and have a session if it was possible to be arranged with u, get bak to me if u can over my youtube account or here thanks alot sincerely

  • Imaginefree69 says:

    Millions of Christians regularly testify
    to God’s protection and healing power.
    Why don’t the insurance and health statistics
    show a lower rate of illness, injury, and death
    for believers as opposed to unbelievers?
    Why is that?

  • KingFahtah says:

    you seem to have the gift. where did you learn your healing technique

  • karensandy12 says:

    the women is for real in my opinion, she looks worn out with the problem, i believe everything she says

  • brendandylanmaloney says:

    That might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

  • brendandylanmaloney says:

    Get practicing and you will be able to heal people if it is your purpose, passion, and mission in life.

  • brendandylanmaloney says:

    hopefully that ignorant belief system will be shattered soon, that is probably why my healing confidence is low as I am beginning to take on healing people.

  • MAWPARKER says:

    that is sad but alot of people do not really understand so they are negative,I have the gift of healing also but then this world is made of lies by man

  • wishIdpaidattention says:

    My son had those symptoms and his suffering was appalling. He later had an operation which cured him. The diagnosis was trigeminal neuralgia and was discovered after an mri scan. Blood vessels affecting the trigeminal nerves…obviously blood pressure caused by stress exacerbates the situation.

  • hugatag says:

    excellent ! I have always healed others but never myself. I met an American Indian woman healer in Nevada that helped me with hot stones therapy from the Grand Canyon. I am sure that all living matter is connected electrically and that the bad energy that I came into contact with while working in NYC had alot to due with my debilitating pain. I do believe that we can indeed heal one another and that we can heal ourselves which is my new experiment.

  • ladytess23 says:

    It was really a moving experience. Thank you Chris and Philomena for sharing this healing session.

  • chavlad100 says:

    I saw a physic and he told me i was a healer, to this day its getting stronger and better! it’s real and it works!

  • HigherGuide says:

    It´s very simple, to become a healer and if you don´t mind, you may even get it Free of charge. Eighter way, the healing energy´s the same.

  • revontulet says:

    An old friend of my mums is a healer, and i cant believe you can actually feel it physically, he can make u feel things within the voids in his hands, so even without touching u, u can feel cold, warm, numb…i wish i knew how to practice!

  • Lils4love says:

    Ginko will take the ringing out of your ears.
    I know this first hand.

  • thatslena says:

    contantine, if what you say is all true, (that i see it is), you are a very blessed man!this is a gift given from Jesus to you!!God bless you!

  • poppygirl76 says:

    most healers realise, as i’m sure Chris does, that it is not actually THEY that are healing…the healing energy is coming through them rather than from them.

  • blueghostohio says:

    but there beliefs can get you in trouble ,then put you into deep sickness, jesues christ is the healer not man ,man can only heal through the word in the name of jesues,

  • urkingod says:

    At least he is not an American~!

  • powermoo says:

    ClaymanAlex … sigh at you , treat people respect , its in their belief , and what you believe in , myself i believe in chris can heal , and see paranormal things , and i do believe there is ghosts !

  • BlackfoxKitsune says:

    hmm a very old druid methord …. i’m impressed Chris.. I hope Philomena is able to regain her life as a normal life and a happy life, I wish her love, happyness and well being and freedom once and for all from those ailments for good 🙂

  • Dee1271 says:

    You really enjoyed touchig my knee didn’t you Chris lol!
    it feels a lot better by the way!

  • MasterYoshi47 says:

    Your videos are very interesting to me. I was wondering if there was a method that instead of contacting spiritual entities, that you can contact living people through the mind. Do you know any way of doing so? Your videos are great also. I can sense they are quite true.

  • Constantine99999 says:

    Hi! Some people pass over and don`t realise it and remain grounded. Equally some cannot pass over and are also grounded. Others come back in visitation but return from where they came from.
    Check out this video which will show you how to make contact. I hope you find it useful.
    Thanks for subscribing:-)

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