Harnessing the Power of Love Spells
Love is a universal emotion. There are very few living beings which have not experienced the overpowering urge to love another. Love makes the world more compassionate, joyous, and peaceful. Negative emotions disappear in the presence of love. To love is to experience the ultimate happiness that life offers us.
Love itself has no demands. Anyone can request or command Love to enter their lives. Love brings with it peace of mind, serenity and everlasting joy. No living being on earth is denied love for any reason.
The object of affection of about 85% of the population is a person of the opposite sex. About 10% – 15% of people are believed to be homosexuals or bisexuals who may fall in love with people of the same gender. Some men may fall in love with men and sometimes women may fall in love with other women. Love is an emotion that binds people together in joy. There is no rhyme or reason to stop anyone from loving another human being. The Universe would be heaven if everyone loved each other!
The practitioners of Wicca believe that all forms of love are equally sacred. Every human being deserves love and is capable of creating love. Most cultures except for the Judeo-Christian religions believe that homosexuality is health and even a blessing. Practitioners of Vedic Magick believe that Lord Siva is half woman and half man in his “Ardhanareeshwara” form. Native Americans called homosexuals “two-spirited” people and held them in high regard as healers of the community.
There will be peace in this world when every living being can live without fear of arrogant and ignorant acts of evil committed against them in the name of God.
Magickal people know
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