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The Harry Potter series of books and movies is the single biggest phenomenon among the young people of this generation. This film shows that Harry Potter is not simply a fun fantasy diversion for our children, but rather that Harry Potter portrays witchcraft and the Occult with stunning accuracy, and it is aggressively recruiting our children into the world of darkness. You will be stunned as you come to understand the Satanic elements that have been purposely interwoven into the Harry Potter saga, and your breath will be taken away when you hear of the impact that the Harry Potter series has had on children… the words of the children themselves. Once you view this film you will never view Harry Potter the same way again. Please feel free to share this video with as many people as possible. It is of particular importance that as many young people as possible be exposed to this information. If you have any questions about the video, or if you want to know more about how you can become a Christian, or if you want more information about our ministry, please feel free to send us a message. For more information please visit us…. The Most Important News: The Last Days: The Truth: Organic Health: The End Of The World: What Does The Bible Say?: Vaccine Side Effects: Mysteries Of The World
Video Rating: 1 / 5

25 Responses to Harry Potter: Initiation Into Wicca, Witchcraft & The Occult

  • nicolina1987 says:

    I would need a flow chart to even begin to explain how irrational this is.

  • waterwitch456 says:

    I can’t even begin to point out your stupidity. The amount of wrong in this video is too much to be put into a 500 character comment. All I can say is how dare you, you overly offensive bias nincompoop.

  • saiah2 says:

    Wiccans Follow The Gods Not Satan

  • TheWomblemaster says:

    as a calvanist i have to say the oonly people the harry potter series will convert to satanists are lost any way.

  • joekawi says:

    everyone pray to jeebus that these “witches” aka the 10yr olds quoted never get their hands on some goblin wings, eye of a dragon, and hair of a unicorn. For if they do our world will be torn asunder buy the spells these magical items can produce. If you didn’t know the hair of a unicorn can kill immortal beings like jeebus, Allah, Vishnu, and thor.

    the end is near, quick round up all the goblins, unicorns, and dragons so no one can use them for evil.

  • joekawi says:

    My 3 yr old watched transformers and now he wants to be a robot with a cannon for an arm. should i call a priest so he can be exorcised, or just beat these satanic thoughts out of him? i heard him say i like the decepticons im so worried he will fight on the wrong side. hopfully he will grow out of this and choose the side of good (autobots). everyone pray to optimas that he will.

  • 2pietjuh2 says:

    Dude, you forgot 1 thing , those kids are 9-13, your quoting kids, i’d be much more impressive if you’d quote full grown ppl. I don’t think this is such a problem. otherwise, nice vid!

  • speaktruth10 says:

    Great video! Always speak the truth!

  • Fubaring666 says:

    Those are quotes from The Onion they’re not real kids. It’s making fun of people like you.

  • waterlizardz123 says:

    oh give me a fucking break, we all know it’s just a movie and that the stuff in Harry Potter is not even real, they are all actors.. DUH, geez some people get worked up over some shit liek this… i can tell you i am a muslim and have been my whole life, and not once have i thought about freakin witchcraft or shit like it… all i am is a diehard harry potter fan, i’ve loved all the books since i was small….

  • lookingup82 says:

    @AtrumTentatio Read all of the Bible- know how the LAW was fulfilled and grace is the truth we live under now—NO one human could live a perfect life and gain heaven…until Jesus (God on earth as man–)did it! The bible has a lot of warnings on how to avoid diseases and plagues…if we would read and listen/follow.

  • Shanna216 says:

    You are seriously demented… The stuff in Harry Potter is NOTHING like Wicca or it’s rituals. Get real, and get educated. Although, I doubt it will help you.

  • yahooman2009 says:

    Quote-mining alert! Quote-mining alert!

  • ROFLpwnedvideos says:

    Oh no! Some children want to be wizards when they grow up!
    I’ll let you in on a secret…
    Kids…want to be whatever catches their fancy. Cowboys, wizards, ninjas, dinosaur experts. It’s part of being a damn kid.

  • AtrumTentatio says:

    LMAO! A ten year old convert to Satanism? I call bullshit.

    Have you read your own Bible? It’s chalk full of incest, rape, genocide, mass murder of children, and HUMAN SACRIFICE (Jesus). So if youwanna stay away from true evil, reject the “love” of god. He’ll send you to hell anyway just for doing what he supposedly created you to want to do (ie: enjoy life).

    What a load of crap… Do some research on the occult before you claim to know what it’s really like. You know nothing.

  • WitchyProductions says:

    This is PATHETIC.

  • ninjaboy1234 says:

    Well now i watched IronMan, and many many comic books i guess Stan lee’s recruiting me for the Avengers….RIGHT ON!!!

  • AlimewFire says:

    Jeez, people need to get their facts straight before posting videos. Wiccans do not believe in Satan they have the god and the godess and acknowledge the light and dark sides.And some of the stuff Joanne Rowling put was accurate becuase she studied up on Wicca. But in no way are her books and magic itself related to Satan or Sataniac forceces

  • 124yuppers says:

    HA. this made me laugh.
    I grew up with hp, my sister read it to me before I could read. Infact, it really taught me how to read and it’s still my favorite series. So kids, read harry potter, it’s fun, funny and teaches you things like the power of love and sacrfice. I’ve never met anyone in my life who has read the series and hasn’t been in love with it.

  • PirateFish1 says:

    And … rock n roll will rot your brain, all metal music is satanic, pot is the “gateway” drug, masturbation will make you go blind … AND, SpongeBob SquarePants is gay.
    Wow. The only thing I can say to anything like this is; “the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.”

  • electorg says:

    I’d like to see how you discredited all the stuff from the religions that didn’t make it to your short list of three.

  • sammyhain13 says:

    @fraterlucifer888 Actually fraterlucifer I will say that Harry Potter can lead kids towards witchcraft in one way. It opens children’s imagination, as all good books should, and imagination is where magick begins. It also encourages kids to think for themselves. I wouldn’t ever call children’s fantasy “foolish,” in a way I see the study of magick as the process of reclaiming the natural magick we had as children

  • luvdomus says:

    This video is for morons. Harry Potter is a kids’ fantasy, Wicca is a legitimate religion (far more legitimate in its spirituality than the Born-Again movement), and the so-called “occult” is nothing but a product of the immature, feverish and just plain stupid minds of right-wing evangelical extremists. America is laughing at these fear-mongering dolts.

  • archer1949 says:

    Please show me in the books where I can do the levitation spell on a broom. I wanna start a REAL Quittich team, not the stupid stuff those college kids play.

    Ravenclaws 4 the win!

  • Penardun says:

    Oh no, I really thought this was a joke. I’m afraid all I could think during the captions was “oh shut UP!!”

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