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Harry Potter spells from the movies 1-5: Accio: Attracts an object Alarte Ascendare: Shoots an object into the air Alohomora: Unlocks a door Arania Exumai: Attacks a spider Ascendio: Makes an object go up Avada Kedavra: Kills a person Bombarda Maxima: Produces a large explosion Cistem Aperio: Unlocks a chest Crucio: Hurts a person Diminuendo: Makes an object shrink Engorgio: Makes an object grow Everte Statum: Launches a person into the air Expecto Patronum: Produces a Patronus Expelliarmus: Disarms a person Fera Verto: Changes an object into a water goblet Immobulus: Stops a moving object Imperio: Controls a person Incarcerous (Dutch: Detentio): Ties up an object Legilimens: Reads a person’s mind Levicorpus: Levitates a person Lumos Maxima: Produces a large light Lumos Solem: Produces some sunlight Morsmordre: Produces the Dark Mark Nox: Reverses Lumos Obliviate (Dutch: Amnesia Completa): Deletes a person’s memory Oculus Reparo: Repairs a glass Periculum: Produces some firework Peskipiksi Pesternomi (Dutch: Geomanni Pesternomi): Attacks a Pixie Petrificus Totalus: Makes a person immobile Protego: Produces a force field Reducto: Destroys an object Rictusempra: Tickles a person Riddikulus (Dutch: Ridiculus): Attacks a Boggart Serpensortia: Produces a snake Slugulus Eructo (Dutch: Eet Slakken): Makes a person vomit slugs Stupefy (Dutch: Paralitis): Makes a person lightly unconscious Wingardium Leviosa: Levitates an object All Rights Reserved to JK Rowling and Warner Bros
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